Part 7

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"You love me?" Meredith stopped swinging and just stared.

"I do."

Eventhough Andrew loved Meredith, things didn't work out. Meredith didn't want a royal life, and Andrew couldn't leave his.

Meredith was now 9 months pregnant and alone. Her stepmother kicked her out at 5 months and she's been living in an abandoned shed since.

Her water broke...

She was walking around the village then paused in her tracks. A young man came over to see if she was okay.

"Do you need any help?" Meredith grabbed onto his hand and groaned in pain.
"I'm in labour." The man held onto her, keeping her up.

"I'll help you to your house. We'll get a doctor on the way." Meredith nodded no.

"My house is a mile away, it's to far." Meredith felt her feet being lifted off the floor, the man picked her up and walked fast to his house.
He carefully placed her on the bed and grabbed a wet cloth.

"Papa?" Meredith looked over to the door and saw a teenage girl standing there. She was holding a basket full of flowers.

"Ivy. This is really important. I need you to go to the doctors office and bring someone here okay? This woman is in labour." The girl nodded and ran out the door again.

"You have a daughter?" Meredith asked shyly.

The man smiled. " I do, her name is ivy, she's 14."

"What's your name?"

"Ethan. What's yours?"


"Well Meredith, it's nice to meet you." Ethan smiled at her.

Ivy rushed back in followed by a doctor.

1hr later...

"I need you to push okay." The doctor said while preparing everything.

Meredith started pushing while gripping onto Ethan's hand. After a few more pushes she heard her baby crying.

"It's a boy " the doctor said.

Meredith looked up at Ethan and smiled. "Thank you for being here."

"I wasn't just gonna leave a pregnant woman standing in the middle of the path in labour." Ethan moved some of her hair out her face and just looked at her.

They snapped back into reality when the doctor handed Meredith her son.

"He looks just like his father.."

It was now the evening and the doctor had left after checking over Meredith and the baby.

"I should probably head home now, thank you for everything today."

"I'm not letting you leave. You just had a baby, you can stay here." Ethan said.

"You can use my room if you'd like." Ivy asked while making herself a drink.

"Are you sure?"

1 more chapter left!! I'll be posting it tomorrow some time :)

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