Chapter 5

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Previous Chapter:

“How about we settle this……….with a fight?”.

There was a moment of silence before the trio bursted out laughing. “HAHAHA! YOU?! FIGHT US?! Sure you may have looked strong when you ‘dropped from the sky’. But you’re nothing compared to the boss”. “Hm. Sure. How about this then. If I manage to defeat your boss, I get to leave and you forget about all of this”, I proposed as the trio looked at each other questioning my sanity. I couldn’t blame them, but their leader didn’t look like anything special. They left me to my devices for about an hour so I decided to talk with my brother. ‘Hey, Uta. Are you there?’. ‘Yeah I’m here. What’s up?’. ‘Have you found a way back for me yet? I’ve had enough of this dimension. The people here get on my nerves and I’m treated like a porcelain doll’. ‘Haha. That’s one of the worst places for you to be. But don’t worry, I’m working on a way back for you. So you only have to wait for a bit longer’. ‘Thanks bro. What would I do without you’. ‘Not much’. ‘Hey!’. I didn’t get anything in response so I gathered that he lost contact. I hope those get back soon since and check on Cobra. Hope he didn’t drink himself into a coma yet. He could at least take me with him. “Let’s go. You wanted a fight with the boss you’ve got one”, said the red.cap guy as he came in and dragged me through different halls. Finally arriving at a courtyard, he untied me and threw me onto the cold, hard ground. I wasn’t really bothered by the hundred people dressed in red capes. What are they, Superman? In front of me stood the fluffy haired psychopath in his bright red cape. “Well well well. It seems that someone thinks they’re stronger than me. Well then everyone, shall we see what they’re made of!?”. The crowd cheered as I finally stood up and we faced off. “Let’s see what your made o-”.


I was met by silence as everyone gaped at their fallen leader. “Is that it? Well then, if you excuse me gentlemen, I have somewhere I need to be”. Leaving swiftly, the cries of Daruma members faded as I headed back to Cobra’s house. Being held captive took a while, and it was already sunset as I ran back to the gas station. Hopefully he’s not dead yet.


“Hey! Cobra! You alive!?”. Hearing a grunt from his bedroom I went inside. I still had my mask on so he still didn’t know my face. He was sprawled out on his bed, still in his clothes. Coming closer, I tried to get him up, but he just swatted me away and drawled “Inoki Ganbare or Inoki Bombaye?”. I sweated as I knew the outcome wouldn’t be good if I chose the wrong one. “Bombaye”. There was silence as I begged any spiritual force here for my answer to be correct. “I shall share my Inoki love with you”. What took me by shock, was when he grabbed me by the neck and kissed the lips of my mask in a passionate kiss. “…..there. Goodnight”, and he was out. Not being able to comprehend what just happened, I just went back to my room, changed and went to bed. I didn’t even bother to undress Cobra or anything. Imagine the tension tomorrow. Will he even remember? How will I ever look at him as if he’s just an acquaintance? Closing the curtains, I fell into a slumber as all my thoughts were jumbled, not knowing about the scheming and plotting of some people regarding me.

Sorry for the wait. I had exams.

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