Chapter 3

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“You can’t bully women-”. “Don’t you know it’s not nice to take other peoples targets?”. Heads turned towards me as the two men raised their eyebrows at me. “And you are?”. “I’m no one significant. But I got here first, and plan to beat these piece of shits up. So go away, and let the me do my stuff”. Walking up to me, the one with eyeliner licked his lips and looked me up and down. “Now, aren’t you a beauty. Don’t think that I don’t know the difference between a girl and a boy. Why don’t we join forces for this, and talk it over later?”. Thinking over it for a minute, I knew that these two didn’t mean any harm towards the cowering female at the back, so I agreed. “Are your two done with your love chat? If so, we’ll be taking the two girls and leave you two dead in the trash”, grinned the head of their group. Turning to face the group, I cracked my neck and prepared to fight as they ran towards us. As the two dealt with the majority of them, I took out the strays on the outskirts. From the corner of my eye, I saw a man taking out a knife and nearly stabbed the eyeliner guy. Thankfully the lady threw her bag, alerting the guy and took him out. “Here. Now get out of here”. The lady bowed in thanks and ran off as the two turned back to face the defeated group of men with vicious smirks. “I’ll love you we’ll, Doub-chan”.I just sat down and enjoyed the view of them finishing off the rest, eating a bag of crisps I found in my pocket. Dunno where that appeared from but I’ll just thankful I had something to chew on. “Now, what shall we do with you?”. “Hmmm. How about we just part ways”. “I’ve got a better idea. How about we take you with us to meet our boss, what do you think Kaito?”. “Yes, that’s an excellent idea”. “Wait! No, I!”. I just gave up since I was tired, and decided to let them mount me on their bike and bring to where they wanted me to be. Oh well, if I’m getting kidnapped…………….. I’ll go with it. Maybe by dying, I can go back to my world again. Yeah, I’ve got it all down to a T! Arriving at a place called Club Heaven, Kaito threw me over his shoulder and carried me inside. Flashing lights blinded me as the strong smell of alcohol filled my senses. Yawning quietly, I swayed from side to side as they walked up some stairs. Seriously, you don’t need to carry me like a sack of potatoes. I may not be human, but I still have legs. “Rocky, so nice to see you again!”, cooed the eyeliner guy. I rolled my eyes at his saccharine tone and gagged quietly. “You as well. Who’s that over your shoulder”. Wait a minute isn’t that the handcuff fella? The hell am I doing here? *gasp!* Is this a cult? Are they gonna sacrifice me? Or steal or my organs? “She interrupted us while we were saving a woman from those Doubt scouts”. “Excuse me? Interrupted? You! Are the ones who interrupted me! I was there first, I could’ve handled it all by myself”, I spit out venomously much to their amusement. “Wait, aren’t you the one from yesterdays battle?”, questioned as guy in a top hat. “Indeed, you bear too much of a resemblance to that person to be anyone else”, the butler raised an eyebrow for me to disagree. “Yeah. That was me. And? Now, can I go now? I’ve got places to get to”. The silence stretched on for a bit, a bit too much if you’re asking me. “Not yet. You owe us for interrupting the fight so think of this as your punishment. You’ll spend a few hours with those four psychos so you better buckle up for a bumpy ride”, grinned Rocky? Was it? My memory is shit. Who names their son after a useless object. It would’ve been better if they named him oh I don’t know- Stone, pebble, pearl. Better than Rocky anyway………. “Fine. I’ll spend the few hours with them, honestly I don’t get how bad this can get”.


“I take back my words, this is horrific torture and a slow painful death”. “Oh come on now, Koneko-chan!  You look so cute!”. I started to cry at Shimura’s words since he was one of the people who brought my misery. “You’re all a bunch of shits! First making me take off my mask!, and now you make me wear a dress?!”. “It’s relatively normal for women to wear dresses Uma, and you look beautiful so stop sobbing, you’ll ruin the makeup”, chided Bito as I threw my arms up in anger. I knew it wouldn’t be this easy! When is it simple and easy going in life?……………………. NEVER! I just hope my brother will bring me back, I miss Yomo and him. We always hung out and they always watched over me. I needed some familiar faces. *ding!*. “Oh, dinners ready, you want to join us?”, asked Aizawa with a sick grin. “It’s the least you could do after putting me through this torment”, I stomped angrily to their dining room while ignoring their snickers from the room I left. “I apologise for their behaviour, they can be a bit…….wild sometimes”, apologised Enari. I smiled at him and told him it was fine. He was the only one here that was nice, not like those other three who made use of their bosses words to dress me up. I guess I shiwed favouritism but who cares? It’s not like they’re gonna fight over me, right? “By the way, why do you have red eyes? They’ve got to be contacts right?”, questioned Shimura as he dug into his plate with a feral look. “Oh no they’re natural, I’m a ghoul”. “A what?”. “A ghoul. In my dimension, a ghoul is someone who has an explosive reproduction of RC cells and transform”. “What do you mean transform?”, Bito asked warily as all of their attention was now on me. “I mean transform. Don’t worry, if I stay here long enough, you might see it from me”, I smirked asy they all paled from the aura around me. “Scary!”. “I think I need to go to the bathroom…….”. “Am I the only one who is concerned about the ‘other dimension’?”.

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