It's not the end, at least not yet

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Chapter 5.

Once Trinity got back to her world, she noticed the door wide open with both of her parents staring at her wide eyed.
"Trinity what..." Her mother faltered as she looked between her daughter and the book she just came out of.
"Mom, it's not what it looks like, I..." Trinity stopped once she realized she couldn't make an excuse for what her parents just witnessed.
"Trinity, you need to explain yourself, now, and no more lies." Her dad ordered her with a stern look in his eyes.
"Ok mom, dad I know what I'm about to say sounds crazy but you have to believe me. And you can't tell anyone about this ok?" Trinity explained everything that has happened since she has gotten the books, her powers to go inside them, the rules, everything.
Once she finished explaining, her parents gave her a "you're crazy" look.
"Mom, Dad I'm not lying, you just witnessed me coming back from one of the books. Time stops when I go in, so no time has passed since I went in and came out, that's how you don't realize I'm gone."
"Sweetie, we need to report this to the government."

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