S2 P14

141 6 3

Travis was counting down the days he had until he had to see his dad. It was Thursday. Travis had one more day until he has to go and visit his dad.

"Don't stress about it, Travis." Neil looks over at Travis and gives him a reassuring smile. "Nothing bad will happen."

Travis knew that. He knew that nothing was going to happen but deep down shit didn't feel right. His throat felt tight and it took him a moment to actually answer Neil. "Sorry, yeah. I know."

Neil gave Travis a pat on the back. "Hey, you haven't seen that guy around the house lately, and this will be the last bad thing that'll happen. Seeing your father."

Travis let out a sigh. "You're right. Nothing bad will happen except seeing him, and then after things will get better."

Neil smiled and Travis smiled back.


"You're positive you don't want me to come?" Sal glances at his lover and Travis grumbles.

"I'm positive, thank you though, Sally." Travis walks over to Sal and sits down on the bed. "This is the 5th time you've asked in two days."

Sal smiles. "I know, but I just want to make sure-"

Before Sal could let any other words out of his mouth Travis connects his lips with Sal's. Sal slithers his hands around Travis' waist and Travis tangles his hand through Sal's blue hair. Travis pulls away and looks at Sal. They were both breathing hard and Sal smiles.

"You should do that more often."

Travis lets out a laugh. "No. I just wanted you to shut up."

Sal let out a breath. "Guess I should talk more often."

Travis shook his head and wraps his other hand around Sal's neck. "Just shut up and kiss me, Fisher."

Sal grins, and pulls Travis closer to him.


Sal glances up from his computer. "Morning, sleepyhead." He grins.

Travis rolls his eyes and yawns. "Shut up, Sally face."

Larry was leaning against the kitchen counter. "Ready to see Kenneth today?"

Travis groans. "Fuck no, but I have to, don't I?"

Larry snickers, "Yeah, you do. You'll live though. Just an hour or less, not too bad."

Travis lets out a breath. It could be worse. "I guess. At least I don't have to have a slumber party with him."

Sal and Larry start laughing. "You should totally do that!" Larry grins and Travis elbows him in the rib.

"Shut up and go to work. Go pierce someone's asshole or something."

Larry gives Travis a disgusted look. "Disgusting!! You could offer 100 million dollars and I'm not doing that shit!" Larry grins and walks towards the door.

Travis rolls his eyes and takes a sip from his coffee that he got while talking to Larry and Sal.

"You should get ready to go, too." Sal eyes Travis and he sets down the cup and walks into the bedroom.

Travis grabs a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans and tugs them on. His hair looks like shit but he honestly doesn't care.

"Good enough." Travis shrugs and walks back out of the bedroom.

I seriously need to stop writing in past tense because it's annoying but i keep doing it anyways and I'm too lazy to fix it 😋

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