~weak spot pt 1~

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The next day comes and once again, Kevin and Nat are training together. Then, Jayden goes outside rubbing his eyes, watching them train.

Kevin notices Jayden and stops to say 'good morning'.

"Good morning, Jayden!" He says smiling.

"Morning to you too, Kev." He replies.

"Morning." Nat says grabbing her bow, not looking at either of the boys.

"Using that again?" Jayden asks chuckling.

"Yes, why?" She answers shooting something with her arrow.

"Is it your favorite weapon or something?" He asks curiously.

"Yes and my most used one. Why do you care?" She says coldly.

It was clear that she didn't want to answer any questions of some sort.

"Just asking." He says going to get a practice sword.

She continued to practice archery while Jayden and Kevin were practicing together. After a while, Ji went outside to get a few things and saw the three training.

"Well, you all are up early." He says smiling.

"Yeah." The three said.

"Well, I'm going to the store to get some things." He tells them then leaves.

"Hey Nat?" Kevin called.

"What?" Nat replies without looking at him.

"Would you want to spar with me?" He asks respectfully.

"Okay." She says chuckling.

They take their positions and Jayden was left to just watch.

"Ready, blue?" She asks.

"Always ready." He answers smirking.

"Alright, don't get so full of yourself." She says and gets a sword with her powers.

He was stunned to see that she had special abilities that a normal human does not have.

"Don't worry, I won't use them as cheats." She reassured.

He let out a sigh of relief as he knew that he'd instantly lose if she used them.

They started the duel and Kevin was going quite hard but Nat managed to keep blocking his moves.

"You're good." She says smirking.

"Well, thank you." He replies chuckling.

"But not good enough." She says then she pins him down to the floor.

"She did that to me!" Jayden said laughing.

"You are really good, to be honest." Kevin says smiling.

"Thanks." Nat says before going to the kitchen.

"Is she gonna cook again?" Kevin asks Jayden.

"I don't know. Let's see." Jayden says shrugging before walking inside to head to kitchen and Kevin following.

The boys went inside to see that indeed, Nat was cooking breakfast today.

"Not great to know that you are watching me again." She said with her accent annoyed.

"Oh sorry. I just wanted to check if you were cooking again." Kevin says scratching his neck.

She just shook her head and continued.

After a few minutes, everyone else wakes up. Mike walks into the kitchen half asleep.

"Are you cooking breakfast today?" He asks with a sleepy voice.

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