Oneshot #5

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A/n: I just thought about this, and I cannot pass on this opportunity. 


Rodney had to call Fender one day when he was back in his and Alli's shared apartment. When he answered, Fender knew it was him since he had a caller ID that showed them in his messy room during the time Bigweld was missing. 

"Hello?" Rodney answered. 

"Hey, what's up?" Fender asked. 

"I need your help real quick. Can you come here?" Rodney asked as he worked on a design for a new invention. 

"Uh, I can't. I'm buying clothes." 

"Alright, hurry up and come over here." 

"I can't find them." 

Rodney was confused. "What do you mean can't find them?" 

"I can't find them. There's only soup." 

Now Rodney was even more perplexed. "What do you mean there's only soup?"

"It means there's only soup." 

"Well, then get out of the soup aisle!" 

"Alright, you don't have to shout at me!" 

The bluenette man could hear footsteps on the other side of the call. A moment later, Fender answered back. "There's more soup." 

"What do you mean there's more soup?" Rodney's voice grew in agitation and confusion. 

"There's just more soup!" Fender was already joining him on the frustration train. 

"Go into the next aisle!" 

A second later, Fender said again. "There's still soup!" 

"Where are you right now?!" 

"I'm at SOUP!" 

"What do you mean you're at SOUP?!" 

By then, Alli had overheard the commotion from her art room and found Rodney arguing on the phone with Fender. She could tell it was him because she could hear his voice from the other side of the call. 

"I mean I'm at SOUP!" 

"What store are you in?!" 

"I'm at the soup store!" 

"WHY ARE YOU BUYING CLOTHES AT THE SOUP STORE?!" Rodney boomed as Alli stifled her laughter. 


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