28. midnight rain

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(unedited) (like really unedited) (like so bad)

"She hasn't left her room since Friday." Connor says as we walk up to Iris' door. I haven't heard from Iris since Friday afternoon. The thought of losing her for a third time is unimaginable so i'm not letting it happen.

"Iris it's me." I knock on her door. I hear the springs in her beds as she gets up followed by footsteps. The door opened just enough for me to see her eyes.

"Come." She opens the door enough to let me in.

"Well that was easy." Connor shrugs as he walks away and Iris closes the door behind me.

"Hey." I smile lightly at Iris. She definitely hasn't showered and there is half eaten food all over her desk but she's still so prefect to me.

"Hi." She says below a whisper. I can see tears in her eyes. She doesn't say anything else, she just hugs me tightly. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay."

"It's okay."

"But it really hurts." I cried out in Angela's arms.

"Let's get you to your mom." She wiped the tears from my cheek and held my hand as I limped over to my mom and Iris. Angela and I were playing tag and I fell and scraped my knee on the cement in my backyard. Iris and Mom were playing cards on the patio.

"Nick!" Iris notices me first. I've always loved the ways she cared.

"Oh hun." Mom sighed and walked inside to grab some rubbing alcohol and a bandaid.

"Are you going to die?" Iris hugged me like it was the last time. I started to freak out, we were only 6 so of course I thought I would die.

"Am I?" I hold her tighter.

"No you won't." Mom comes out laughing.

"You aren't leaving us anytime soon, Nick." Angela rubs my head.

"Good." Iris smiled, still holding on to my arm while Mom put a bandaid on.

"Aww you two are adorable." Mom grinned at us.

"Ew! Mom!" I faked a disgusting face to hide my blush.

"What?" Angela laughs. "You're mom and I will be front and centre at your wedding, we've already planned it out."

"I should have called." Iris snaps me back.

"No, don't even worry about it. What happened?" I ask while still holding on to her.

"Bea is back." She sniffles "She didn't come back for me, she came back for Trev. I tried to talk to her but Trev brushed me away and said some... stuff."

"What stuff."

"He called me a horrible person and made me feel like i'm the one that is crazy in this situation."

"You are not a horrible person, Iris." I pulled away to look her in the eyes. "You are the most reasonable person I know."

"I don't know what to do now."

"Well I can try to talk to her if you'd like." I brush my hand through her hair.

"You don't have to get involved."

"But I want to." I reassure her.


"Hey, sweetheart." My mom was cold and pale lying in her bed. She was declared terminal a couple of weeks before and we were told she didn't have much longer. I'd never been scared of death until I seen the amount of pain my mom was going through. "Don't be scared, come here." She opens her arms and I fall into them. I didn't know it would be my last time hugging her. I wish I would have held on a little tighter, a little longer. Dad was on the other side of her. He was strong. He never lost faith. Mom knew what was coming and there was nothing she could do about it.

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