10. fifteen

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"You seriously have not talked to Nick since the rugby match? That is a new record." Aled laughs as we lay on my bed. Its Charlie's birthday and Aled and I are going to together.

"Can I tell you something that is very private." I sit up from my laying position on my bed. I still have not told anyone about Nick and I's relationship.

"You can tell me anything, Iris." Aled gives me a reassuring smile. He knew something was up at the rugby match so it's safe to assume he's suspicious.

"Nick and I are like dating I guess." I scratch the back of my head. "But he said yes to a date with Imogen so I don't know if we are technically together anymore, it's just confusing and i'm so stupid for letting this happen to me twice."

"I knew about you and Nick." Aled wraps me in a hug. "I just wanted you to tell me yourself. But also fuck Nick he's a cunt."

"His date with her is today, actually." I give Aled a weak smile through the burning tears swelling in my eyes.

"Forget about him and have fun today." Aled gets up from my bed and puts his hand out for me to grab. He pulls me up and starts dragging me downstairs so we can leave.

"Iris, you wanna watch a movie or something tonight?" Trev appears out of nowhere. Trev is barley around anymore. I'm worried about him some days.

"I'm going to Char's birthday right now, maybe another day."

"Yeah, whatever." He smiles weakly and disappears back into his room. Aled and I walk outside to see Tao and his mom are already outside waiting for us. Tao's mom is a gem, always giving us rides. We all get to bowling alley to see Char and Elle already waiting for us. 

"Happy birthday!" I wrap Charlie in a bear hug.

"I hope i'm not late..." I hear a voice I know so well, Nick.

"Nick? Hey mate." Aled shakes his hand. "Heard a lot about you." He gives Nick a smirk.

"Hey." Nick looks confused. "Happy birthday Charlie." He waves a Char.

"So what happened to your date with the marvellous Imogen." I tilt my head taking in his expression.

"I called it off." He looks me in the eyes with his 'i'm sorry look'. "I'm thirsty, wanna come get a drink with me Iris? You guys go ahead and start without us." Nick pulls me away before I even get a chance to reply. He doesn't take me to the concession, he instead takes me behind a bunch of arcade games.

"Sad that you turned down such a wonderful opportunity with Imogen tonight." I look over at Nick who is already staring at me.

"Stop the bullshit, Iris. I know you are mad at me. What I did was stupid and I shouldn't have said yes, but all my mates were there watching me and cheering me on. I felt pressured to say yes, I didn't want embarrass the girl." Nick explains but it doesn't really fix anything.

"That is not an excuse. I thought we were a thing. According to you, if a guy flirts with me it's the end of the world, but if you say yes to a girl asking you out I should just shut up and move on?" I can see tears forming in Nick's eyes, which is rare.

"We were a thing, we still are a thing! Obviously something wasn't working in my brain that day because you are so much better than her. I don't expect you to shut up, for all I care you nag me about it for the rest of our lives. I don't want to lose you, I don't think I can handle losing you." Nick seems genuine and I can't seem to hold anything against him anymore. I reach my hands around his neck and bring his face really close to mine, just until our lips brush against each other slightly.

"I guess I can forgive you, Nicholas." I smile and give a quick kiss, just to tease him. As I let go he shakes his head and brings me back in for a longer one.

"A whole week without seeing you was hell. I showed up to your house a bunch and every time Connor would tell me you weren't home but I always seen the light on in your room." Nick brings me in for a long hug.

"I could've got another week." I joke but he just holds me tighter. "I think we should get back, before they think we ditched them."

"What do we say when we show up with no drinks?" Nick lets go of me.

"I promise you, they will not notice." I laugh a bit and drag Nick back over to our friends.

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