24. you

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i'm sorry this took so long... oops


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Everything is starting to set in. I just kissed Iris Evans. I know I said that I think everything will work out this time but it's been 7 hours and we still haven't spoken. Tonight Trev, Connor, Iris, David, and I are supposed to go to some karaoke restaurant thing but Iris is no where to be found.

"Iris we are leaving without you!" Connor yells into his phone. He keeps on getting her voicemail.

"You've got it be kidding me! Let's leave this brat." David rolls his eyes.

"But like what if she got kidnapped or something." Connors mood quickly changes from angry to worrisome. He's even got me shaken up now. What if she went for a walk and some old crappy man in all black snatched her.

"Calm down, she's Iris. She probably ran off to cry about how shitty her life is." David says the last part in a mocking voice.

"David stop being such a fucking dick." I finally speak after hearing everyone bicker for the last ten minutes. "Let's just go."


"Oh my god! So are you guys like back together now." Levi screeches like a little girl. I just told Flora, Mia , and Levi everything. I mean EVERYTHING. From start to finish. I needed to tell someone and I want to wait until i'm back to home to tell my best friends.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." Mia looks down at her lap, very obviously embarrassed.

"How could you have known? I didn't tell you. It's not your fault." I give her a genuine smile.

"I was honestly quite offended but this makes me feel a lot better." She half-laughs. I've only known these people for 3 days and I already feel so close to them.

"I ship Niris." Flora speaks up. Maybe telling them was a bad idea because now I have to explain that we are not back together.

"About that... we are not back together and i'm actually supposed to be going out to diner with him and my brothers right now but instead i'm here and none of them know." I blurt out quickly. Levi's jaw drops in disappointment.

"Girl, go after your man." Flora raises her voice.

"I mean it's a bit too late, they are probably already at the karaoke restaurant." I cross my arms.

"Never too late." Mia gets up from Flora's couch. "We are all going to show up and distract everyone else while you talk to Nick."

"Or I could just wait until they all get home." I quickly suggest. I don't want to ruin his fun. What if he doesn't want me back, maybe it was just a one time thing.

"Nope, we are leaving now." Flora grabs my hand and pulls me outside, Levi and Mia following behind us. I already have the outfit I picked out on because I got ready early. A long sage green skirt with little white flowers and a slit running up the leg, a simple white stormi tee, and my white af1s. I know, weird combo but they were the easiest shoes to throw on.


conny bear

Iris where are you

Answer my calls

You little bitch

We are leaving without you


i'm omw calm ur tits


"Is this it?" We walk up to some overly loud building. Flora is still grasping onto my arm making sure I don't walk away.

"Yep, only karaoke restaurant in town." Mia reassures me. Fuck. There is no way i'll be able to walk to Nick in here.

"We can go in and get to Nick to come outside." Levi thankfully suggest.

"Yes! Just don't run away." Flora turns to me.

"I won't." I might.


"Nick! Nick!" Mia comes running over to me. This is a bit awkward. She reaches our table, Levi and Flora soon joining us. "I am so sorry about this morning but that's not the point."

"There is a very hot ginger waiting for you outside right now. If she's not there it's not our fault do not hold us accountable." Flora cuts in.

"Did you guys all come in here just to tell me... that?" I question them. There is no way this is happening right now. "She could have just texted me."

"Ugh, technology. That's not romantic." Levi scoffs.

"And three people I met yesterday running up to me and yelling at me is?" I try to hold in my laugh.

"Just shut up and go." Flora forces me out of my chair.

"What the fuck." I hear Connor laugh as I walk away to the exit. If Iris isn't waiting for me outside and this is all just a joke I will sob and breakdown in the middle of the street for real.

"Iris?" I walk outside and look around. "Hello?" Well shit, she's not out here.

"Nick." A voice behind me appears and I jump in surprise. "Oh my god i'm so sorry." Iris covers her mouth. She's actually here.

"Scared the shit out of me." I shake my head. We sort of just awkwardly stare at each other for a second or two. "So, what's up?"

"Can we..." She pauses and looks away from me. I hope for her eyes to meet mine again. I miss the smell of her hair when it's in my face while cuddling. I miss her weird sense of humour. I miss the fashion shows she would put on for me after shopping. I miss every single thing about her.

"Talk about this morning?" I finish her sentence for her.

"Yeah." She pauses again. "I'm sorry. I feel like I always fuck up and say something stupid. I just feel like I don't do anything right." She laughs off her self deprecating comment. I wish she would just realize that she doesn't have to be perfect to be loved. "I did a lot of things that I didn't mean and I want to apologize."

"Bad things inflicted your emotions, you don't have apologize." I try to reassure her. I'm not sure what to say. I'm not good at this type of stuff.

"I broke up with you and it was selfish of me." She pauses for a third time. "What i've been trying to say is that I miss you, Nick. I miss us and I hate to say it because I hate all this cringey romance shit but you make me feel things i've never felt."

"I have stuff to apologize for too." I admit. "I'm sorry for overstepping your boundaries and questioning why you wanted to keep us a secret. And i'm really sorry for just walking out on you when you told me that you loved me. I was scared because I didn't know how I felt but now I know that I loved you the whole time. From start to finish. I still love you, Iris."

"You don't have to say that..." She picks at the sides of her thumb nail.

"I mean it." I take a step closer. She smiles and it's like a weight is lifted off my chest. "I really think we should try again, if you are willing to. I don't mind not telling people."

"No." My heart stops at her words. "I don't want to keep us a secret." I sigh is relief. I thought she was rejecting me after all of that.

"So, Iris Evans, will you be my girlfriend... for a second time?" I say in a joking tone. I can't help but smile widely.

"Of course, Nick Nelson." I have her back.

All I Ever Asked (N.N.)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin