1. bloom later

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"I can't believe we have new form groups today." Connor sighed as he walked past my bedroom door.

"Do we actually?" I overheard Trev question. "Is Iris still asleep?"

"No, she's just being lazy." My dad chuckles.

"Shut up and let me get my beauty sleep." I yelled at them. I currently live with three boys. My father and two brothers. Me and my brothers are adopted, all from separate homes. Even tho we are not biologically related we are still sadly siblings.

"What beauty?" Trev laughs.

"I hope you find comfort in knowing Bea will never love you back asshole." I said as I got up to close my door.

"Hey language!" My dad yells.

I quickly get ready since I was always the reason we missed the bus last term. I've decided to become a better human over the winter break. I've been nicer than usual to my brothers and... well that's about it. See, better person.

"Wow you guys actually made it." Bea nudges me as I sit beside her on the bus. Bea sometimes take out bus but most of the time her parents drive her.

"Barley." I let out a breath as I put my headphones in. I have friends that like to socialize and stuff and I just find that gross, but Bea is different. She takes hints and gives me space. She understands when I don't feel like talking. I've been like this since my mom passed away when I was in 7th year. Connor and Trev were obviously affected by it but just not as much as me I guess.

"Here" Bea nudged me as we got the our stop. We both got off and walked over to the front of the schools.

"I don't think i'm going to wait around for Charlie today." I sigh.

"Okay that's fine. I'm sure he'll understand." Bea waved goodbye as I walked off. While walking I accidentally bump into someone.

"Watch where you're fucking going." I moved hair out of my face.

"Iris? It's been, what? 4 years and that's how to greet me." The tall boy sarcastically says. Nicholas Nelson. "I heard you and your family are joining us for our holiday."

"Sadly." I stood there awkwardly. "I've got to go."

"Ill see you around?" he called after me.




nelson_nick1 quite snazzy right?

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nelson_nick1 quite snazzy right?


I found myself going through Nicks instagram at lunch. He's become a typical popular douche. I haven't talked to him in ages. Our moms were best friends which made us automatically best friends but ever since my mom passed I have ignored him.

All I Ever Asked (N.N.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя