13. fallen star

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"Hey, Iris. Bea doesn't really feel like talking right now, maybe stop by another time." Mrs. Lang answers the door after I knocked for 5 minutes straight.

"That's what you said the last 3 times." I sigh. "Please Mrs. Lang. It's been 3 weeks since we last talked and she hasn't showed up to a single class in over 2 weeks."

"I don't know what to tell you." She shrugs. I'm starting to get a tad bit annoying at the fact that no one is telling me what the fuck is happening.

"Just tell me what's going on, please." I practically beg.

"God, you just don't give up, do you?" She sort of chuckles. "You can go up to her room, but i'm not sure she'll be too happy to see you." Mrs. Lang steps aside to let me in. I smile and quickly run up to Bea's room. I burst in without even knocking. When i look around I see all of Bea'a belongs packed up into box's while she is laying on her bed looking at me in shock.

"Iris, I-" She starts to sit up. No way i'm letting her get away with this bullshit.

"No, shut up." I shut her bedroom door behind me. "Do you realize how worried everyone was about you? How many times Char and I showed up to your house? How many times we've all tried to text and call you? I thought you disappeared off of the face of the fucking earth. When you didn't show up to Charlie's party the whole thing was ruined because he was in a bad mood. I don't know what the fuck is happening but good luck explaining it without sounding like a complete selfish bitch." I say out of plain anger, not meaning some of the things I said.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen!" She snaps back quickly, getting up off her bed. "I have a life and feelings and shit going on too, y'know?"

"You could've at least sent us a single text explaining why you haven't been at school and have been completely ignoring us." I sigh out of anger.

"Didn't think you'd want to know, you are too caught up with Nick 'the golden boy' Nelson." Bea throws her hands up and back down.

"Are you kidding me? Do not bring Nick into this. We are not even dating! This is your doing. You decided to let down all of your friends, not me. Stop making excuses and fucking tell me what is going on!" I raise my voice a little more, not caring if her parents hear. How could she turn this one me? Acting like it's my fault she has been ignoring me and not telling me about what's happening.

"I'm fucking moving!" She yells way louder than me. "Not to a different side of town, to America." I watch as she sits back down on her bed, eyes flooded with tears that she is trying to hold in.

"You could've picked up the phone and told us." I say through my silent tears.

"You guys all looked like you have been having so much fun, like you didn't really care that I had totally disappeared." Her head rests in her hands.

"We obviously cared enough to send a million text and show up to your house a bunch!" I pause to look around her packed up too again. "I just don't get it, Bea. You used to tell me everything."

"I didn't want to let you guys down. I thought it would be easier for me to just disappear to get it over with." She looks up at me with red eyes that starting slowly get puffy. Everything starts to make sense and I feel bad for the way I reacted. I let my mouth take over in the moment. I go sit next to her in her bed next to her, a few minutes of silence following.

"When?" My leg starts to bounce.

"Next week." She sniffles.

"This is so much more difficult than it could of been but I understand where you were coming from." I put my arm around her shoulder and she leans into me.

All I Ever Asked (N.N.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن