How to Build a Dragon...

Start from the beginning

Cole: We built the impossible. 

Alex: And there’s no time to watch, let’s go do our part. 

And back inside the camp, Iron Baron held a lit torch as he walked closer to the chained Wind Dragon as he brought the fire closer to the beast. 

Iron Baron: Iron Baron provides for you, and all I ask in return is your undying loyalty. Obey my commands, and your belly will be full. Defy me- - 

He stopped his speech as he noticed all his hunters were not paying any attention to him at all as they were focused on what was flying closer to them. 

Iron Baron: Dragon. 

Chew Toy: D-d-dragon! 

The hunters were shocked to see a Dragon flying that close to their camp, while the three knew that Wu was able to get the dragon up and flying as they hid their smiles. Wu pressed a button and the mouth of the dragon opened up and it started shooting flames down at the camp. 

Iron Baron: Fire Dragon! 

But as he announced that, Wu pressed another button as a bolt of electricity fired out of its mouth. 

Kai: *gasps* It’s the mother of all Dragons! 

Jay: Oh, no! But why would Firstbourne come here? 

Zane: Um, yes. She has come to protect her Wind Dragon! 

Daddy No Legs: He’s right. It is Firstbourne! 

He shouted and before long, the other hunters began to freak out and rushed to somewhere away from the “dragon”. 

Iron Baron: Stations! Defend the fort! 

He called out, making every hunter inside the camp grab their weapons, chains and one prepared a harpoon that had a chain inside it. 

Iron Baron: Attack! 

He shouted before some hunters began throwing their spears at the dragon as Wu flew around them without getting hit. And with the hunters distracted, it gave enough time for Cole and Alex, as the earth ninja used the key to the chains. 

Kai: ‘Bout time. 

Jay: Now let’s get outta this nut house! 

He urged them as they followed after Cole and Alex to the exit. As they turned around a corner, they stopped to look at Wu and the mechanical dragon in awe, not knowing that it was the real Firstbourne not Wu flying in front of the moon. 

Jay: Wow, Little Wu’s really selling it. 

Kai: You both built that? 

Alex: I’m not sure we made it to look lifelike. 

Cole: Huh. Looks bigger in the air. 

But as they were busy looking at the real mother of all Dragons, they heard something crashing right behind them. They looked over at a building where the mechanical dragon crash landed as Wu crawled out of a window before waving at them. 

Cole: Wait, if that- -? Then who’s- -?

He started to panic as they slowly realized who was flying above them. 

Zane: It’s the real Firstbourne! 

He answered before they ran away from where they stood as Firstbourne started to launch powerful flames as it sent the hunters running away in fear of getting hit. They kept on running, avoiding the flames as the mother of Dragons switched from fire to ice, as it froze some hunters in a giant pillar of ice as it also froze Iron Baron’s crane hand. They hid by a hunt as the hunters kept running from the flames and the ice, as some were getting frozen. 

Zane: I suggest an alternative route. 

They ran out of their hiding spot to the new exit and they reached the exit as Zane pointed out. 

Zane: We can get out there. 

Wu: Wait. Firstbourne is here because of the dragon they captured. 

Jay: Yeah! And they deserve every delicious piece of punishment they get. 

Alex: But did you forget that all of you are responsible for this, too. You helped lure it. 

Jay: They forced us to. 

Cole: They’re right, Jay. We have to go back. 

He added before everyone turned around and rushed to where the Dragons were being kept. Alex rushed over to where the Wind Dragon was chained, as the winged beast stared the armored boy down with scared eyes, as the others kept an eye out for the hunters but they arrived shocked. 

Daddy No Legs: Dangerbuff, you’re with them? I should’ve known you’re a traitor! 

Cole: Not a traitor. O-ow. A Ninja! 

He pulled the fake mustache off his face as the white paint was rubbed off, showing his real face and the hunters were not pleased with that. 

Daddy No Legs: Attack!   

The hunters began to charge at them and they held them back as Alex continued to free the dragon from its chains. He was able to free it and right before the winged beast flew away, it gave him a lick on his armored face as a sign of thank you as he groaned in disgust before running towards the other dragons and freed them as he kept earning licks from them also. As he rushed over to the others, he heard Iron Baron shout as he stomped over holding a piece of the mechanical dragon. 

Iron Baron: You brought it here! Don’t let them escape. They’re going to help us capture the beast. 

He called over and before any hunter could move to get them, they heard a grunt above them as the Wind Dragon flew down and fired a powerful wind gust at the hunters as it blew them away and Iron Baron landed head first in a pile of droppings. The dragon roared out before glancing back at Alex and it flew to the moon where its mother awaited for it as he approached the other as they watched all the captured Dragons go back to their mother. 

Cole: Come on!

He shouted, turning around to the exit as everyone followed after him as they rushed through the exit as they kept on running until their legs couldn’t handle running anymore. And once they escaped the camp, Iron Baron pulled himself out of the pile of droppings as he approached his elite hunters with an enraged look on his face before he ordered them. 

Iron Baron: Prepare the Dieselnaut. We’re going hunting. 

Daddy No Legs: For Firstbourne? 

Iron Baron: For the Ninja. 

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