How to Build a Dragon...

Start from the beginning

Cole: Then we could have the distraction to break you out. 

Daddy No Legs: Hey, Dangerbuff! Stop burning daylight, and get over here! 

Cole: Uh, yeah, be right there. If you can design it, we can build it outside of camp where Alex is at. Then get it in the air by nightfall. 

Jay: Then it’s a plan. We build the impossible.  

He smiled as he nodded to Cole as he ran over to where Daddy No Legs wanted him as Wu rushed by his side. After they left them, the three were then led over to some Dragon droppings and were forced to work by scooping up the droppings. But they had to hide Jay, as he drew up the plans and the design of the dragon Cole was going to fly that night to make their escape from the hunters.

But luckily they were able to hide the plans underneath the droppings as Wu brought it to where Cole and Alex waited as they started to build the dragon. They spent the next hours sneaking tools and supplies as Cole, Wu and Alex looked at their finished project. 

Cole: We did it. 

Wu: But will it fly? 

Cole: Only one way to find out. 

He said before climbing into the driver seat as he put on some goggles while Wu moved a stone from the front wheel before Cole started to pedal but was having trouble keeping speed to be able to get airborne. 

Wu: Faster! Faster! 

Cole: I am! 

Alex: Then pedal harder! 

Cole: What does it look like I’m doing? 

He yelled back at them without knowing he was heading straight to some rocks and with no way of stopping, he crashed in the front row of rocks. Cole and Wu walked back to Dead’s End, where the three were now pushing a miller as the two were looking dull. 

Wu: It won’t fly. 

Jay: It has to. 

Cole: I’m too heavy. Maybe your calculations were off. 

Jay: I designed it to your measurements. Have you gained weight? 

Cole: *gasps* I have given up cake, and my body is a temple. 

Jay: Cole? 

Wu: I can fly it. 

Cole: Your legs won’t even reach the pedals. Maybe Alex should fly it instead of you. 

Wu: No, he said that he wasn’t going to do that. Easier to grow a little than lose a lot. 

He said smiling as he poked Cole’s stomach. 

Cole: Hey!

As they left the three, they continued to work until nightfall as they stood by the miller that was  not that far away from the feast. Iron Baron and his men were busy peraping the wood for the feast, as they were going to kill the wind dragon that was just captured, alongside others that were being used. 

Iron Baron: More wood! I like my meat well done!  

Kai: It’s tonight or never. 

Jay: *sighs* Well I guess the kid’s flying. 

He said not really liking how the plan was going as the three left them before they were chained up not far away from the wind dragon as it left them with a good view of the feast and the dragons. And right outside of the camp, Cole was helping Wu get inside the pilot’s seat as Alex waited for the signal from him. 

Cole: If we’re gonna sell this, stay in the clouds, and keep the moon at your back. After we bust them out, we’ll meet you back here. You got it? 

He said as Wu tested out the pedals as they fit perfectly as he waved to Alex, as the signal was ready as the boy activated his gray armor to send a huge rumble as their mechanical dragon was pushed high into the air as it flew closer to the moon. 

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