Chapter 28. Spring Break

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March 1985

It was spring break in the Valley, which also meant spring break for West Valley High and students were out for the week. Every year, the Winchesters would vacation during the week of spring break and spend the vacation in their favorite city of Branson, but this year, Rebecca and Bobby were going to spend their spring break in New York City, as he was going to take her to The Met.

"So, are you excited about going to New York with Bobby?" Dean asked as he gave Rebecca a folded up blouse to place in the suitcase

"Yes, I've always wanted to go to New York and to see the Met, so it will be a fun experience." Rebecca smiled as she packed her last sundress and placed it in the suitcase. "Daddy, I know it's the last spring break before college, and I know I should spend it with you, but—"

Dean brought his daughter in for an embrace, glanced at the photo of Lisa on the nightstand, then spoke. "Kiddo, believe me, I understand. As hard as this is for me to do, I know you both are responsible. All I ask is for you and Bobby to be safe. Especially at night. You two are in a city in which you are not familiar, anything could happen to you both. Promise me you'll be safe?"

"I promise daddy." Rebecca smiled as she pulled away from the embrace. "Remember, I learned karate from Mr. Miyagi, and you and uncle Sammy taught me self defense? Plus Bobby knows karate as well. I don't want you to worry."

"I'm your father, I'm going to worry." Dean said

"If you didn't I knew there would be something wrong." Rebecca said

"Seriously though, have a good time. I love you kiddo." Dean said as he kissed his daughter's forehead. "I love you too, daddy." Rebecca smiled

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New York, New York

Rebecca and Bobby arrived in New York, hand in hand. As soon as they left the airport, they got their rental car and drove to the hotel. Upon walking into their room, the couple had a view of Times Square. 

"This is beautiful." Rebecca smiled as the couple walked into their hotel room and the bright lights from Times Square shone through the windows as it was now dark outside. After placing her bag by the closet, she laid down on the bed.

"Not as beautiful as you." Bobby said as he laid down on the bed beside her.

"Thank you honey." Rebecca smiled as she turned on her side, to face him. "Are you hungry? We probably shouldn't go out and get food though, since it's so late though."

"Starving." Bobby said

"Wanna order room service?" Rebecca asked.

"That's fine with me." Bobby smiled as he kissed her forehead.

After ordering room service and eating, and a steamy shower session with Bobby, the couple laid in bed, completely nude and undone, trying to catch their breath as the only thing heard was the soft sound of the radio playing.

"This is always my favorite part." Bobby said as he held Rebecca close to him

"Mine too." Rebecca smiled as she gently caressed his abdominal muscles.

"God, if there's one thing I love, it's hearing you moan my name like crazy." Bobby said as he held his girlfriend close.

"You're gross." Rebecca said. "You better pray no one calls down to the front desk to complain, anyway, I love you. Get some rest sweetheart. I'll see you in the morning." she smiled as she kissed her boyfriend

𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭, 𝐍𝐨 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 || Bobby Brown Where stories live. Discover now