Chapter 26. A New Year

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January 1985

It was the beginning of the spring semester, the first day back to school from winter break, and a few months until graduation and college. After the incident in the parking lot, Bobby and the rest of the Cobras left Cobra Kai for good.

Rebecca and Bobby spent more time together, and even spent New Year's Eve with Susan and the guys. But when it was nightfall, Bobby took her to a secluded part of the hills so they could be alone. Once the fireworks began, they shared a sweet and passionate kiss for good luck.

Rebecca's alarm went off at 6:30 AM. Getting out of bed, she wrapped a robe around her body, and walked to the bathroom to begin her morning routine. Once she was finished, she got dressed for the day, and walked down the hall. After eating a toasted bagel, and drinking a glass of orange juice and getting her backpack ready, she heard a car drive up. Rebecca walked outside, locked the door and placed her keys in her backpack.

"Hi beautiful." Bobby smiled then embraced the brunette. "I missed you."

"I missed you too honey." Rebecca smiled as she returned her boyfriend's embrace, then kissed his lips. "You ready?"

Bobby smiled and nodded, then opened the passenger door for Rebecca, and earning a thank you from her. He walked over to the driver's side, and drove towards the high school, as he placed his hand on her thigh. As they drove down the freeway, Don't You Forget About Me began to play. "Honey, would you mind if I turned this up just a tad? I've heard this song on the radio, and it's supposed to be in the new Breakfast Club movie releasing next month." Rebecca smiled

Bobby smiled in reply, before he turned the radio up slightly. "I've heard it on the radio as well. It has a good beat to it. Would you like to go see the new movie  when it comes out?" he asked

Rebecca smiled, and replied, "I would love to honey."

As the song continued to play, Bobby laced his free hand with Rebecca's. Once the couple arrived at school, the brunette smiled warmly  and waved at the guys, kissed her boyfriend and made her way over to Ali, who was waiting for her beside the lockers

Ali smiled as she embraced her best friend. "Hi hon! How was your Christmas?"

Rebecca smiled as she opened her locker and grabbed her books she would need for her first period english class. "It was great, Bobby's parents invited us over. How about you? How was your Christmas?"

"That's wonderful Becca" Ali smiled as she held her books to her chest. "My grandparents came in from San Francisco, they even met Daniel."

Priscilla turned to her best friend and raised a brow as she grabbed a pencil and pen out of her locker. "Oh? How did that go?" she asked as she closed her locker door and the two best friends walked down the hall together

"They loved Daniel, even more than Johnny and to tell you the truth, I think mom and dad seem to like him more." Ali smiled

"I'm so glad Ali, especially since he makes you so happy." Rebecca smiled as the two walked to English class

Ali smiled as she and Rebecca took their seats in English class. "Speaking of happy. You and Bobby."

Rebecca smiled as she opened her notebook, and began taking notes. "Yeah. We've been talking about plans for college."

Ali opened her English notebook and began taking notes. ""You're still planning on going to UCLA?"

Rebecca nodded as she opened her English notebook as well. "That's the plan. Bobby said he wants to go as well. He's also applied for their psychology courses."

"That would be great." Ali smiled

Before Rebecca could even respond, they heard a head fall on the desk, and loud snoring come from the back. "New year, same jocks." Rebecca laughed as she turned back around in her seat

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After morning classes were over, it was lunch time and Bobby and Rebecca decided to get take out and go to the Brown's family beach home for the day. They sat in the kitchen eating their lunch as the soft sound of MTV played on the TV.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into doing this." Rebecca sighed as she dipped her fries in ketchup.

Bobby chuckled as he wiped his hands on the napkin, and turned to his girlfriend. "What?"

Rebecca chuckled as she set her cherry coke bottle down. "You know what. Ditching school. We get caught, you're taking the blame."

Bobby shook his head and chuckled. "So, we never got to talk about the night before the tournament." he said as he took his hand in her own. "I hope I didn't hurt you."

Rebecca's green eyes met his, and she answered, "I had always heard it hurts when a girl loses her virginity, but my mother always told me sex was supposed to be a deep connection between two people in love. So, to answer your question, no. You didn't hurt me."

Looking into his crystal blues, she warmly asked, "Was it your first time? Like ever? It's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." It was no secret that Rebecca had never had sex with anyone before him, but Bobby; he was a virgin as well. Yeah, he had seen a naked girl or two on playboy magazines that he hid under his bed, but he never slept with a girl, even though he came close.

Bobby ran a hand through his hair, before taking Rebecca's hand in his own once more. "Yes, it was. Don't get me wrong, I've seen a naked girl in playboy magazine. Then after I met you, I used to jerk off when I thought about you, but I never slept with anyone." After making that statement, he looked down in embarrassment, almost as if, he was embarrassed of being a virgin.

"Hey, look at me." Rebecca said, and Bobby looked into her mesmerizing green eyes. "Being a virgin doesn't make you any less of a man. You know that don't you?"

"Yeah, I do angel. You were my first. Back in freshman year, I was partying a lot, especially after I joined Cobra Kai, I almost did it a couple of times at a couple of parties, but they were complete strangers, and I know how important it is for a girl, I knew my mother would skin me alive had she found out I did that." Bobby said

"I can see Adaline doing that." Rebecca chuckled

"But then when I met you, I felt ready, and I wasn't going to act on it until you were ready. It was so hard to restrain myself, a few times, but it was worth it in the end." Bobby said

Rebecca smiled as she stood up from her chair and moved to the comfort of his lap, and he wrapped his arms around her waist, while she wrapped her arms around his neck. "My sweet love, thank you for being honest with me. I'm so glad you were my first. I love you with all of my heart and soul. You're a good boyfriend and you treat me right. I'm so lucky to have you." she smiled as she caressed his cheekbone with her thumb

"I love you more than you'll ever know." Bobby smiled as he rested his forehead against her's

"I love you too, hon."

𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭, 𝐍𝐨 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 || Bobby Brown Where stories live. Discover now