Rimuru visits Tbate (17)

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For all of you that wanted to read about the engagement, I'm sorry, I have never been to one and have also no idea what to write about it.
I'm here to apologize, but I'm gonna skip it.
(Evening engagement)

Rimuru pov:

After the engagement party is a banquet, so I'm gonna have to remain in that damn dress for the next 2 hours probably.(check ch16, updated).

When I arrived at the banquet, I was met with a huge gate. When I stepped towards the gate, the guards opened the gate and allowed me entrance.
Inside the banquet hall was a big table with 24 chairs surrounding the table, the banquet was a small one after all, only acquaintance were allowed inside and there weren't even that many people.

When it was time to eat, everyone sat in their seats with Alduin at the head of the table and Merial at the foot of the table, Tessia was sitting left of Alduin and Arthur right of Alduin, I was seated besides Arthur. They at least have proper etiquette.

The food was nothing special:
Appatizer was a vegetable soup,
Main course was a salad mix with a bit of meat for me and Arthur, desert was ice cream. (Taught them how to make it in my free time)

After the little banquet, I returned to my room while the rest were still partying below a little bit.
In one month is Arthur's birthday and in 10 months were going to Xyrus city.
The portal is opening in 9 months, but we're not leaving till a month later due to an agreement that still has to be made with the human royals.

The night is descending upon the forest and freezing almost everything inside of it.
Who would've thought that it would be so cold in April, it's like the weather is trying to forsake their engagement party, but seeing that it's inside, this cold weather won't even reach them.
(1 month later)

Rimuru pov:

Today is Arthur's birthday and it's gonna be a small party within the elven family.
I'm not one of them, so I'm keeping our of this one, I'm just giving him my present and that's it.
The party is just gonna be bonding time anyway and that's nothing for me, I'm gonna be leaving this world in a few years anyway.
After I leave, nobody will even know, at least for a few months.

It's still morning and for me it's no special day, so I'm just gonna go to the forest and train a little bit in aether control.
I'm currently at the 6th layer and I wanna make that 7th one today.
It also helps that the aether around here is so dense today, and while I can simply use my own aether, it's more effective if I use this worlds aether.
The aether is probably so dense because of Arthur's birthday, it's like the world is celebrating his birthday by giving him an enormous amount of aether for him to absorb.
This isn't the first time it happened, but it's the first time that it's been so dense, even a normal human could probably see it if it was a little denser than now.

The aether did indeed help, but it's not nearly enough for me to form my 7th layer and I don't wanna absorb all the aether meant for Arthur.
The world seems a little unpleasant by me using the aether meant for Arthur, but I just gave it my aether in compensation, the aether seemed to bounce erratically while purifying my aether.

The sun is at its peak and I'm gonna see if it's the right time to dump a present.

I arrived at the back entrance and asked one of the guards "Is it the right time to drop a present?"
The guard looked at me before his eyes widen and said "Sorry miss Rimuru, but they're still eating, time for presents is tonight at dinner."
"Thank you."

After I arrived at the same clearing from earlier, I started to draw a little something.
This magic circle might be capable of hiding even a house, this is perfect if Arthur and Tessia want to have a little lonesome time, I guess this will be my biggest present. I will have to hide it from Virion and Tessia's parents, but using a spellform of the space edict will cover that in a second.
(Evening birthday)

Rimuru pov:

It's dinner now and I'm just gonna set myself up in the living room to wait for them.
I can also do some of the paperwork from the mainsion I own in Xyrus city, well I guess it's also in Elenoir, but that's because of an ability from the space edict.

After dinner, they moved towards this direction in a simple walk. Once they opened the door, I was spotted. So I stood up and gave a little bow to the elven family and said "Happy birthday Arthur."
Arthur was a little caught off guard, but thanked me anyway.

When he finally started opening gifts, there were just a few things that seemed like decoration and some money. I gave him and Tessia a crystal ball.
Tessia said "It's not my birthday though."
"It's a present for Arthur, but you can use it as well, it's a communication ball after all." Tessia was happy and Arthur was beaming a little.
I whispered into Arthur's ear "It's also a camera, so you can always see what's on the other side of the crystal ball, but beware, it also works that way for Tessia.". Arthur grew bright red and whispered it into Tessia's ear who also grew bright red at the information. She came up to me and whispered a thank you in my ear, so I whispered back "No problem, it also comes with a recording feature, keepsakes and such are important."
Tessia glowed and ran to her room in happiness.
The end of this chapter.
Hope you enjoyed

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