"Well after dad died I didn't wanna be found I guess, thanks for the help with the hair but think I can get 5 minutes on my own now?" you sigh as you turn your back to her.
"Of course, flannel is fresh and theirs a fresh toothbrush and towel. Just shout if you need anything or any help" she smiles at you as she starts to leave. As you sit in the bath you feel yourself wanting to cry, you can't help but miss Dean and Cass, you're also still overwhelmed with everything that's happening.

After freshening up you walk into the bedroom to see clean clothes folded on the bed, but struggle to do bra so you decide fuck it and put the t-shirt on without one. You grab your phone and order a taxi, you need to head back to the motel and get your stuff, thankfully Bobby called them to keep your room.

As you make your way downstairs, you notice the team sat around when suddenly a voice comes out of nowhere.
"Mr Stark there is a taxi at the front gate"
"What was that?" you ask looking around.
"That's Friday and I'm guessing taxi is yours?" Tony replies.
"Okay whatever" you reply not really understanding what he meant "Yeah like I said before I have places to be, I will return the clothes as soon as I can" you say looking at Nat.
"I could drive you?" Tony says.
"No you are alright, thank you for all your help" you say as you make you're way to the entrance.
"Am I letting the taxi in SIR" the voice says.
"Don't worry I will walk to the entrance, please let him know I'm on my way" you reply.

"I can take you" Clint speaks up.
"No, taxi is fine" you reply speaking louder than you wanted.
"Oh wait..." Steve says "here" he says handing you, your car key.
"Thanks, anyway see you guys. Thanks again for your help"
"Can I get your number?" Nat asks "You know so you can text me when you want to return the clothes" she comes up with an excuse to get your number.
"Oh right course" you say handing her one of your numbers.
"I will walk you to the gate" Bucky smiles at you.
"Sure" you half smile back.

"JARVIS track the taxi" Tony says after you have left the room.
"Tony you can't do that" Sam argues.
"I'm doing it for safety, and for Clint" Tony shrugs.
"Don't bring me into this" Clint argues "Although I guess it would be nice to know where she is"
"Good because once we have a location we can go there" Tony responds.
"Tony she deserves privacy" Steve tries to reason with Tony.
"Call me curious"

You get the taxi driver to drop you a couple of blocks from the motel and you start to walk back. Not fully trusting that the Avengers aren't somehow tracking you. As you get into your room, you collapse on the bed but groan from the pain in your ribs. Feeling fed up of the pain from your injuries you decide to summon Crowley.
"Oh it's you" he says as he appears in the room "you look like shit."
"I feel it" you reply.
"No devils trap?" he asks looking around.
"Didn't have the energy, besides I don't have a reason to trap you when you owe me" you smirk.
"Is that right, how about I make you a deal" he raises his eyebrows at you

"Take your deal and shove it up your ass we both know the price to pay is far greater then the favour itself. Plus don't forget you owe me" you smile.
"Let me guess you want healing since you lost your angel" he rolls his at you.
"Wow you are so perceptive, how did you guess" you responded sarcastically.
"Fine after this we are even" Crowley responds.
"Not sure we are but please just make the pain stop I forgot how annoying it is" you say as Crowley comes over and heals you.

"Oh thank god" you sigh.
"Definitely wasn't god" Crowley replies.
"Whatever, take these off will you" you say lifting your shirt so he can remove the bandages.
"Is that all?" Crowley replies.
"Oh I'm sorry did you wanna get a beer hang out maybe, catch up like we are old buddies, yes that was all thank you. As you refused to help me find Dean and Cass. So you can go back to being king of hell or whatever your title is now days" your roll your eyes at him. With that Crowley disappears, you make sure you have all your stuff and head to the car.

"Hey Pops, I'm fine I promise, I know I said I would come home but that's gonna be delayed a little" you say to Bobby as you climb in your car.
"What's wrong?" he asks noticing a change in your tone.
"Oh Pops, these last fews days have been crazy. Where I ended up was with some people called The Avengers" you start to explain.
"Yeah I heard of them" Bobby replies.
"Well good for you because I didn't know but the craziest part is turns out my brother works for them" you try and control your emotions.
"Wow wasn't expecting that" Bobby replies sounding shocked.

"Yeah me either, I guess I need to figure out what I'm gonna do. I wasn't exactly welcoming towards him. In fact I pretty much gave him cold shoulder" you sigh.
"I can't say I'm surprised, but kiddo I'm here if you wanna talk, maybe come home and think on it?" Bobby asks.
"Give me a week, I will come home then for a visit" you smile down the phone.
"A week, if I don't see you then I'm gonna come with Jody to hunt your ass down" Bobby replies.
"I know you would" you laugh "a week I promise, I got laundry to do" you joke.
"So thats the only reason" Bobby laughs.
"Well there's this grumpy old man I miss as well" you tease.
"Less of the old thank you. Alright call me if you need anything" Bobby replies.
"So you didn't disagree with the grumpy, I will do. Love you"
"Love you to kiddo. Be safe" you hang up the phone

You decide to drive to a new motel hoping this delays the Avengers tracking you a little longer.
The only thing you could think of right now was that you needed a drink badly so after finding a motel you needed to find a bar.

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