The two of us spot Cedric surrounded by a group of his friends, all of them aside from Cedric were wearing the badges on their uniform. Even Aiden had one pinned to his robes—if it was to support his friend or throw shade at Harry, I don't know.

I do my best to avoid eye-contact with Aiden by keeping my eyes locked on both Cedric and Harry. Although, when Harry had asked to speak to Cedric privately I was left with no choice but to stand awkwardly beside the group of Hufflepuff's.

"Siding with the cheat, Maxwell?" One of the taller boys questioned, his voice full of confusion. I didn't understand why everybody was siding against Harry, it's not as if he wanted anymore recognition than he already does.

"Guess we have one thing in common." My eyes drift to Aiden, who's face completely dropped, instantly understanding what I was talking about.

Linda who was now stood beside her boyfriend decided she too wanted to add herself into the conversation. "Cedric is gonna run circles around Potter. If you're making bets with anybody, I suggest you change who you're bidding on."

"You're all ridiculous." Was all I could say as I left the group, to catch up to Harry who had just broken away from Cedric. Harry seemed extremely tense after the conversation, as did Cedric. Although, I suppose having to participate in a death-match would make anybody weary.

As the two of us begin walking, Harry abruptly stops me—his eyes finding mine as we come to a halt. "You don't mind waiting here for a minute, do you?"

Confusion replaced the neutral look on my face as I slowly nod, watching as the boy walks off towards the courtyards halls. After a few seconds it became clear that Harry wanted to keep me out of confrontation with my other friend, Ron.

The two spoke, both seemingly as furious as the other. Seamus, who was stood beside Ronald, flashed me the most awkward smile, which made me laugh quite a bit. Must be a little uncomfortable having to watch a pair of best friends argue.

Ronald eventually shoves passed Harry, and made his way out into the open area of the courtyard. I flash Ronald a small smile, which he didn't even notice as he walked straight passed alongside his new best friend, Seamus.

Harry turned to look at me with an unsatisfied look on his face, and all I could really do was frown. I genuinely wish I could've done more to comfort him, but I lacked that ability. I never know what to say or when to say it. It hurt to see my two friends feuding, I couldn't imagine how both boys were feeling.

Harry slowly walks over to me and I flash him a soft smile, using that as an attempt to make him feel better—which didn't work. "Harry, I'm sure he's just confused."

"Confused or not, what kind of friend doesn't tell you that there's a high chance you'll be eaten by a dragon?" Harry spat, his hands slipping into his trousers pockets. "He's acting like a git."

I kept my mouth shut, unsure how to respond. I wasn't exactly siding with either boy as drama was the last thing I wanted on my plate right now. Although, I will admit, it was quite unfair that Ronald didn't inform his supposed best friend that he'd be in a rink with a dragon.

Harry and I eventually agree on studying in the Common Room for the time being as he didn't exactly like the publicity he was getting right now. Unfortunately, before we could even exit the courtyard, a familiar voice called out to Harry. "Why so tense, Potter?"

JUST A MUDBLOOD,     draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now