"All is forgiven, I suppose I may have acted the same, if our roles were reversed." Nothing left to say on the matter, though he should consider himself lucky that Gannel was not here.

Arya's P.O.V

'This is so boring! When will they all leave? I can't sneak out until they're all gone. I need them all to be asleep. Last thing I need is my mother sending every elf in the forest out to look for me. Hurry up already!' I fumed, eagerly wanting to get out of this house and running through the trees.

'Maybe I could finally introduce Faolin and Glenwing to Perseus. I wonder how that will go? One way to find out, I suppose.'

'Though I wonder where did Perseus and Aunt Formora go? Why them and the others not go?' I questioned to myself.

'Hm, at this point, maybe I should just go to sleep, get a few hours, then I can wake up and sneak out, when they're all gone or asleep. I can find Perseus, and surprise him. That sounds fun!' I felt a small smirk come across my face.

Turning around, I stalked quietly over to my bed, and crawled into it, laid my head down onto the pillows, and I closed my eyes, feeling my mind drift away.

Vrael's P.O.V

'Oromis, what have you done? Three dragons, all hatched, the last three eggs we had, and they were all handed over to a stranger, a stranger, that for all intents and purposes, I am the only one who seems to see the threat he possesses. Old friend, you may have just doomed the rest of us. With only yourself to blame. I have no choice now, I will just have to keep a watch on the boy.' I silently thought.

I felt Umaroth brush against my conscious, however I denied him entry. I had no desire to hear his disagreements about the boy.

"I want you to know this, Oromis. If this boy poses even the slightest threat, I will not hesitate in cutting him down. So hope for his sake, that you train him to be a good man." Having said my piece, I turned and walked out of the house, and headed towards my tree.

'Vrael, have you taken leave of your senses?! You threatened to murder a child, in front of the king and queen, as well as Oromis, no less!' Umaroth thundered.

'I meant it all, Umaroth. I know how you feel about the boy, but I can't shake this ominous feeling I have about him. If need be, I will not hesitate in destroying him.' I thought back.

'I can promise you Vrael, this boy is not an enemy.' Umaroth said gently in my mind.

I felt several emotions flow through me, his. Care, respect, trust, approval, even a moderate amount of happiness and gratitude. My eyes widened.

'Umaroth, why? What has this boy done, to result in these feelings from you? We've never even met the boy?' I thought incredulously.

'I cannot tell you, for you would not believe me. However, believe this, he's a good person, Vrael. One of the greatest we will ever meet, I am sure.' he thought back to me.

Galbatorix's P.O.V

Durza walked into my room, after his arrival, I thought about many plans I wanted to implement, some of which, I would need his help in, loath as I am to admit it.

"Durza, old friend, how good of you to finally show yourself. It's not like I called you here days ago, or have other important matters to attend to you, because being king is so relaxing and easy." I said.

The shade's eyes flared with anger, and annoyance. That little pompous, bastard. Sometimes, I really regret keeping him around.

"Sorry, your majesty. I lost track of time in my studies of some ancient texts and scriptures. What is that you need? I shall accomplish it to the greatest of my abilities." His raspy, cold voice hissed out.

"I wish for you to begin breeding the Ra'zac, however keep them in line and keep their numbers controlled. I don't need them wiping out all of Alagaësia. I also wish, for you to use your dark magic, and create some powerful beasts. I want them fearsome, strong, aggressive, and loyal. You and I shall create more shades. I wish to experiment with these shades though. Not all of them will be humans. We shall use dwarves, urgals, elves, even animals, possibly a dragon, if I can get my hands on an extra one, maybe one of the eggs I have left, or one of the forsworn, if they screw up. It shall serve as a reminder." Galbatorix intoned darkly.

Durza, for the first time in his life, actually felt a spark of fear. What the king proposed, sounded like madness, even to him.

"We begin this, right away. Am I understood? Good. Get started." Hearing a clear dismissal, the shade got up, turned around, and walked out.

Durza's P.O.V

'He's even more mad than I thought! A shade of a dragon will be catastrophic. A magnitude of destruction, untold parallel of disaster. As much as it pains me to admit it, I must find a way to stop this.' For the first time, I could feel fear. Icy cold, gripping hold of me, rushing through my very being. I didn't like it.

Though I hated to admit it, even I knew his plans for the shade army were terrible. The world would be so overrun with chaos, death, and destruction.

I headed down into the lowest level of the castle. Even lower than the dungeons. It was a room that was found by Galbatorix not long after he took over the castle. A room that was quickly turned into a room of pure evil, used for foulest, darkest, and blackest magic. Sorcery and alchemy. I walked over to the book case on the far wall, picking out some tomes.

Flipping the pages, I saw the incantations and spells needed. I channeled my own magic, before starting to chant.

Perseus' P.O.V

Having finished up the tour of the tree houses, I decided to take one. I liked the idea of having my own space, no offense to Oromis. I glanced at Formora, and evidently she saw, or maybe sensed, me looking and she glanced at me, her eyebrows arched, a questioning look in her eyes.

"Well, have you decided yet, young one? If not, it's no problem, just give it some thought. We're not in a hurry for you to decide. If it's not too much of a bother, perhaps we could head back to Tialdarí Hall. I do need to speak to Vrael, or at least Oromis about what our next move is." Formora said. I just nodded my head, agreeing. We turned around, exited the tree house, and headed back to the Hall.

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