Learning to Lie

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My father asked me what had happened to my hand.
I lied and said that I'd been cut by my keys.
My friend asked me who this poem was for.
I lied and said it was for someone I do not care for,
and yet he still sees
right through me
like I'm a ghost
trying to hide under white sheets.

I didn't mean to go as far as I did,
and I don't know what my heart wants, I'm just a confused kid.

But I'm learning to lie,
just to save face.
I'm wearing a disguise
that looks like the epitome of grace.
Tell me,
what do you see
when you look into my eyes?
Do you see the truth
or do you see all my lies?

Who am I to you?
Do I help make you feel chartreuse?
Or do I make you pink, red or blue?
Do you sense my aura and what I ooze?
If life is a game, then can you tell me - do I win in the end?
Or do I lose?

I wish you weren't a stone wall right now, you forsake me.
I wish you hadn't, I wish you'd stay for them, for me.

Look who I've made me,
do you still remember who I used to be?
All of this is insanity,
I'm sick of the dark,
I want luminosity,
no more midnight larks.

I need you to glow for me,
glow for yourself.
Glow like a star, so starry.
Glow all by yourself.

Don't fall like I did,
not again.
Acrimony you can rid,
like back then.

You can learn to be stronger,
even if you're strong already.
And I can learn to lie,
about my feelings, sigh.

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