Cupid's Arrow

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The sun is rising
and a new day is beginning
and in the air is the smell of bliss.

The sun is shining
and the moon is intertwining
with it so it looks like the two kiss.

I guess I'm witnessing the start of beauty all over again.

The clouds are a cotton-candy pink
and they're raining hearts that float or sink.

All over again.

I tried to dodge them all but they hit you like darts
and an arrow hit me right where my heart is.
It's hard to break these falling hearts
they're like diamonds thrown by the hands of Artemis.

I let the hearts rain down.
I let them soak my black hair pink.
I let them lift my frown.
I let them make me a silver link.
Connected to another,
the other
is my lover.

I let the hearts colour me moonstruck.
And I thank God for this good luck.
I let people say
'love is in the air today'.

And I become a heart, beating and passionate,
I grow wings as white as Cupid's too.
And I bring my lover sweet words wrapped with chocolate,
at sunrise when the sky is a pretty pink and orange instead of blue.
"I love you"
"I love you too."

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