*court, and how she got here*

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authors pov
flashback to how she ended up in court


-is all y/n marie jones barlow could hear before her friends were cut off by police sirens around her. she didn't mean to kill the guy, only to severely harm him, but in her defense he tried to harm her.

"y/n barlow, please stand." the judge said as she rose from her seat. "state your name and occupation."

"y/n marie jones barlow, and i'm a student and dog sitter. i go to school at houston high school and i'm a junior." she said, not too loudly but not too quietly. she always seemed to be in a wrong spot. she was kind hearted, really, but she was mean and ruthless. and hell, she could put up one hell of a fight. she wasn't afraid of anybody, or anything. she wasn't scared to die or get in trouble.

"so i see as the man was found at the crime scene was dead. state your story." the judge ordered. she looked back at her father and friends, unsure if she should say. they all nodded, her lawyer nodded as well.

"he tried to harm me first, sir. he came out of no where. i knew that i should backfire when he being harmed. but i didn't know i killed him." she answered. this wasn't the first time she got into a fight, she's knocked people out loads of times, but she only killed someone a week ago.

"i see. well since you answered honestly, we also have charges of you breaking and entering, vandalizing, and stealing. now a man is dead. have you any clue on how those other crimes have happened?"

"no sir." she spoke quietly, although she just wanted to beat the shit out of that judge, right there and then.

he told her to take a seat so her friend sarah could speak, as she was an eye witness. y/n zoned out, flashbacks flooded her mind.

"now doll, i won't hurt'chya, i'm just gonna take ya with me"

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER CREEP!" her friend mary shouted as she walked to where y/n was. y/n decided it was best to be stubborn. she shook her head no, and punched him right on the nose. he seemed to be dizzy, but he tried to fight back.

a punch landed on her jaw, a bit of her lip. the man was wearing some type of a ring, her lip was bleeding harshly. "get off of me!" she shoved, punching him in the nose again and kicking him in between the holidays. he groaned in pain as she continued to punch him in the nose until his temperature ran cold.

but y/n felt as if his temperature wasn't the only thing that went cold. she felt her hard and blood run cold. and she sped out of the building faster than yusan bolt.

-back in the court-

"so it seems as one of you is lying." the judge said. while she zoned out in that moment, her friend must've lied. "i killed him." y/n said, her voice slightly shaking. "i'm not lying, sir. i killed him. he threatened me and hurt me. left that mark on my lip."

"i'm assuming you plead.." the judge stopped. y/n looked back at her family, and back at the judge. "i plead guilty."

"there has been a vacancy at camp green lake. the juvenile detention center for females is full, and the juvie only has one open bed, but you won't want that. but i'll give you the option. so y/n barlow, camp green lake, or juvie?"

"camp green lake, sir." she spoke shakingly. "your sentence has been officially settled as 36 months at camp green lake!" the judge shouted as the gavel pounded on the gavel thing, (idk what it's called) and the decision was settled. she'd leave the next morning at 7:30 am.

-in the car, y/n and her father-

"baby it's not your fault."
her father said calmly. "daddy, it was my fault. i should've never gone." she quivered. "your mamas accent is hittin in, the lil' kentucky raised lady woulda loved who you are now. it's too bad she's spending two more years in jail."

"and i'm spending three years at some camp i didn't even know existed. daddy, if we moved back to georgia, would this have had happened?"

"now sugar don't worry about no georgia, mama won't have ya thinking like that when you're out of camp-blue-ocean or whatever."

she chuckled at this. she never thought of it as that. her mother was a georgia born lady, raised in kentucky. her dad was also a georgia born man. her stepdad, on the other hand, he was a half african man who was raised in the country side, her mom and stepdad met in high school.

"daddy," y/n started. "yea baby?"

"what did mama say before she got arrested? i forgot." she spoke truthfully. "ahh, she said, 'kissin' kate barlow had a medicine, it was killin people. but if you're dealin with somethin like what our ancestry dealt with, friends and family are better medicine than killin."

"so.. she said that friends and family are better medicine than actual medicine?" she summarized. "basically yea."

-time skip cuz i ain't writing all that-
y/n barlow's pov

i packed pairs of clothes, 5 sticks of deodorant, and my teddy bear from when i was a kid.

god i couldn't leave that thing if i tried.

i took a cross ring even though i wasn't religious. my mama would've wanted me to take it, only because it was kissin' kate barlow's. my great-great grandma.

i hate that people know that. but now, it just seems as.. every woman from katherine's bloodline, as far as her kids and grand kids and great grand kids and great great granddaughter.. me. we've all seemed to have been in jail or been wanted. it's quite crazy, but crazy runs in the blood.

"y/n, sugar, get some sleep." her stepfather said to her. "i will daddy."

her father wasn't there when she was growing up. she was left. her mom met samuel and now they're married. so it wasn't weird to call samuel dad or daddy or father or anything like that to her. they all found it normal and comforting.

y/n didn't talk much. she observed a lot. she was fast, and focused. but she zoned out quite a bit. she found everything as a challenge.

since her best friend past away a few years back, she struggled a lot. she found her comfort in crimes. she liked it.

she soon fell asleep around 2:30 am. she didn't want to leave her home but she had to. she had to say goodbye to houston and hello to dallas.

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