Flight ( chapter 3 )

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Chapter 3

Alexis : * wakes up * great I'm the one to wake everyone up. Hey Gilinsky wake up we should get ready to head to the airport. * bangs on door * Autumn, Johnson, Sammy! We all need to get up we leave for the airport soon.

Sammy : I'm up. I'm up.

Alexis : make sure you have everything you need because we don't need to forget something.

Sammy : got you.

Jack G : I love when you take charge.

Alexis : shut up! Autumn, Johnson get up!

Jack G : it's kind of hot.

Alexis : shush Jack.

Jack J : you're already telling me to shush and I haven't even said anything to you yet, or anything for that matter.

Alexis : if you haven't said anything then I'm not talking to you.

Jack J : right I knew that.

Sammy : sure you did bro

Autumn : I'm up now.

Sammy : if you forget anything you're screwed.

Alexis : That kind of goes for everyone here.

Jack G : I called a cab it'll be here in five minutes.

Sammy : uh did you forget that we can drive.

Jack G : and then what? Leave our car there?

Sammy : oh yeah a cab is a smart way to do it.

Alexis : cab is here.

Jack J : let's go!

Autumn : Miami here we come.!

* all get in cab *

Cab driver : airport right?

Jack G : yes

Sammy : well how is everyone going to fit?

Jack J : Sammy you sit in front.

Sammy : I'll do that then.

Jack G : Johnson sit behind the drivers seat

Autumn : I'll sit in the middle.

Sammy : Alexis get in but stand by Autumn.

Alexis : okay.

Jack G : I'll sit here behind Sam and you sit in my lap Alexis.

Alexis : Okay.

Sammy : why don't Autumn ever sit in Johnson's lap?

Jack G : next time she will.

Alexis : then I won't have to sit in Gilinsky's lap.

Autumn : no you still will.

Jack J : and Sam can sit in the middle.

Sammy : what?

Alexis : deal then.

Cab driver : here we go.

* all head to airport *

Cab driver : here we are.

Sammy : thanks.

Cab driver : comes out to $18.45

Jack J : I've got this here you go, keep the change.

Cab driver : thanks

Jack G : let's go before we miss our flight.

* all board plane *

Autumn : here we come, Miami.

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