Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

* it's lunch time *

Autumn : spring break this year is going to be awesome!

Jack G : you said it

Sammy : so are all of us going to start packing right after school?

Alexis : I can't I've got a game remember?

Jack J : right right

Jack G : why don't we all go to the game?

Autumn : I don't see why not?

Alexis : no really that's okay you don't have too.

Sammy : that's cool with me.

Jack J : game it is then.

Autumn : keep in mind we leave tomorrow night to head to Miami.

Alexis : got it.

Jack G : we should all go to the movies once everyone is done packing.

Sammy : what do you have in mind to see?

Jack G : unfriended.

Alexis : ooh no!

Autumn : sounds awesome! I can pack tomorrow Alexis can too.

Alexis : no no I should really pack tonight.

Jack G : awe are you scared?

Alexis : maybe a little, Jack shut up!

Autumn : it's settled we will all start packing tomorrow when we wake up.

Alexis : fine I still got to be at the game remember that though.

Jack G : yeah we've got this.

Autumn : Alexis want to have a sleepover after?

Alexis : sure why not.

Jack J : can we join? * smirks *

Alexis : yeah totally..

Autumn : not.

Jack G : you're no fun Autumn!

Autumn : I was kidding, so where are we doing this sleepover?

Alexis : who's parents would be cool with it?

Jack G : I'll ask my parents.

Autumn : so Jack's place it is then.

Sammy : yeah

Jack J : sounds good.

* bell rings for fifth period *

Jack J : we can totally leave because we have half days.

Alexis : let's go I'm hungry.

Sammy : ironic how we sat down and didn't eat lunch.

Autumn : of course we would.

Jack G : let's go get Taco Bell?

Alexis : yaas!

Autumn : sounds good.

Sammy : you know I love Taco Bell.

Jack J : Taco Bell it is then.

* they all head to Jack's car *

Alexis : shot gun called it.

Sammy : if Gilinsky is driving I think you're the only one he'll let sit in front.

Alexis : that's not true at all.

Jack G : if you wanted to sit shot gun I'd let you or Johnson or Autumn.

Autumn : good to know.

Sammy : we shall test that at some point.

Jack G : okay are we going to go in or go through the drive through?

Alexis : doesn't matter.

Sammy : maybe the drive through?

Autumn : yeah so we can all go with you to your place and see if your parents are okay with us staying the night there.

Jack J : if not that way one of us can ask our parents.

Jack G : okay.

* 5 minutes later *

Autumn : off to Jack's place.

Sammy : I'm kind of excited for spring break.

Jack J : I honestly think we all are.

Alexis : I can only hang out for two hours.

Jack G : why?

Autumn : cheer practice before the game.

Jack G : right right.

* an hour and a half later *

Alexis : I've got to go.

Autumn : alright.

Jack G : see you later?

Alexis : of course.

Jack J : bye.

Sammy : later.

Alexis : bye guys. * leaves *

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