"Dammit, what?" 

"Oh good, you decided to answer, Mr. Dynamite." 

"This better be good as to why you're calling me right now." 

"Katsuki!" the greenette angrily whispered. 

"Fine, what is it?" 

"Did you forget you have patrol this afternoon? And whether you like it or not, you need to be here, no excuse. I expect you to be here at the agency in 30 minutes or less." Best Jeanist responded, only to hang up on the blond.

"Dammit, what's so hard about me wanting to spend time with someone I like?" he complained. 

"Is it work?" 

"Yeah, a stupid patrol." he groaned. 

"Then you have no choice but to go." 


"No buts Katsuki! You're the Number 1 hero, which means you have a big reputation, and the second you start slacking, people will notice! So go now before you get in trouble" she demanded. 

"Hah~ why don't you just go with me?" 

"I am in no condition to go with you since my feet still need to heal! And the second people see us together, they will swarm us, and I don't need that to happen! I'll be just fine here at your place, so go on your patrol." she added in a stern tone. He wanted to laugh at how cute her angry face looked, but since this was a serious matter, he had no choice but to agree. 

"Fine. I'll go, but don't make a mess." 

"Got it." he sweetly pecked her forehead, put his jacket and shoes back on and was out the door. 

"I'll be waiting for you when you get back!" she added, easily making him want to stay instead of leave.

"Aha! There he is, the Number 1 hero!" Kirishima announced. 

"Are you trying to piss me off?" Katsuki growled. 

"Nah, we were just wanting to see if you had a nice night last night after the banquet." Kaminari joked. 

"I'm fine, so don't even bother trying to make me feel better." 

'Dammit, of all times why did it have to be now when Deku's at my place and I finally get to spend time with her? This patrol better be quick since I've got someone waiting for me at home.' he thought. 


The blond flinched when he recognized that voice, and he spun himself around to see Shoto standing right behind him. 

'You– You gotta be shitting me?!?!?' 

"Hey Todoroki, thanks for joining us since Sero can't!" Kirishima cheered. 

"You– You knew he was coming?" Katsuki growled with glaring eyes. 

"It's just for this one patrol, and Todoroki will be a big help." Kaminari added. 

'I fucking hate this... WHY CAN'T I JUST GO HOME?!?!?'

"Wow, now that I look at this place, Katsuki really is a clean freak, there's not even a speck of dust anywhere." Izuku noted as she analyzed the place she was now going to be living at. She couldn't help but explore every nook and cranny of the place, as she never got to do this when she was dating Shoto since he still lives with his family. 

"I guess there really is a bigger difference between the Number 1 and Number 2 heroes than I thought, huh, Takashi?" 


"Well the good thing is that I don't have to worry about allowing pets here since you're here, Takashi." Izuku added as she looked over at the couch to see the sleeping black cat that she rested there when they got there. 

"Oh yeah, now that I think about it, what does his bedroom look like?" she questioned, which led to the dog leading her there right away.

"Woah~ Even his bedroom is clean... 'Sniff' 'Sniff' and it even smells like him in here too!" she pointed out with surprise. 

Woof woof! 

The greenette followed the dog straight into the bathroom, which was another surprise to her by how big it was, but the dog was leading her to the closet. 

"Hm? Why the closet?" she asked as she could only follow the dog and opened the door leading into the closet. 

She turned the light on to see rows and rows of clothes hung up nice and neatly. Formal clothes on one side and casual clothes on the other, all while the scent of caramel lingered around. 

"Wow, I don't even think I had my closet organized this much. Oh! Maybe one of these sweatshirts might be my size since he has so many!" she chirped as she started going through the hangers of sweatshirts and looked at each and every one of them and the size. 

To her disappointment, all of them were his size, which made her realize she was starting to lose it.

"What's wrong with me, there's no way he'd have my size here when we still barely know each other. Hm?" As she was about to leave the closet, she happened to see something in the corner of her eye which easily caught her attention. 

"Ah– Is that..." she approached the rack of hangers and grabbed the sleeve and was in shock. 

"No way! This is a limited edition of an All Might sweatshirt that came out years ago where only 100 of them were made! I remember that I even tried to purchase one when they came out, but since they were sold in just a few minutes, I couldn't get one. Wow~ so cool! Maybe I should try it on!" she cheered as she carefully took it off the hanger and pulled it on.

"Woah~ It's a lot bigger than I thought." she noted as she looked at herself in the mirror to see the sweatshirt going down to her thighs. 

"I wonder how Katsuki managed to get this, unless he's a big fan of All Might like I am, then that would be awesome. Ack! I shouldn't wear this since it's a limited edition! I should put it back!" she told herself as she tried to take it off herself as delicately as she could and hung it back on the hanger and put it back where it belongs. 

"Huh, now that I'm looking at it, Katsuki has a lot of nice sweatshirts too, not just formal stuff. Ah–" she looked through the racks again and noticed a different sweatshirt from all the rest. It was a black sweatshirt with a large orange X across it, something she easily knew. 

"Oh, this design is based off of Katsuki's suit, that's cool. Hmm..." she paused as she felt the fabric and could smell strong caramel from this sweatshirt. 

"Maybe... Maybe wearing it for a bit won't be a bad idea. I-I'll just wear it until he gets back since it's his clothes, so what could go wrong?" 

Note: Hello My Little Emeralds!

I'm just gonna say this now, but there's absolutely gonna be fluff in the next chapter! And it's gonna be good, promise!

Gonna post 2 more chapters later today!

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Happy Reading from me, My Little Emeralds!

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