The chaotic wedding part 1

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Severus shyly held on to Remus's arm while they walked by the attendees, he observed his surroundings closely (a dirty habit developed when he was a DE) and picked up on the events. 

Molly was brushing Ginny's hair gently as she stood talking to Luna, Neville was observing many of the strange plants in the Weasley's garden, Minerva was batting a gnome away from her shoes muttering in annoyance which made Severus chuckle a bit, Hagrid was enthusiastically chattering on about a new litter of unicorns that Evie had given birth to (Snape assumed Evie was the mother unicorn in which he was on about.)

And then his attention turned quickly to the opposite side of the tent to observe what else was occurring, Harry and Draco were poking at one another while Seamus sat like a third wheel in the center in an uncomfortable silence, Dean came to rescue him asking if he'd want to come get a drink with him to which he thankfully obliged. Snape's eyes darted over, an old couple sat battering on about how their cat had given birth to babies and the husband was insistent apon it not being their cat at all. Luna was now twirling around with Ginny being goofy. And that's when— oh no not you, Severus thought abruptly when spotting Narcissa Malfoy speaking to a shorter blond woman, he loved Narcissa and in fact would have loved to speak with her.

But he knew what she'd say about Remus and he felt embarrassed, she would make some suggestive and teasing comment about the two and he wanted to avoid that at all costs.

"Let's... head this direction..." Severus hummed quietly and Remus picked up on the situation quickly, so he changed coarse.

The drink and appetizer table was chocked full of unusual things, Severus was hungry but he was still uncomfortable eating with people who can see him doing so. "Go ahead, it's fine," Remus said reassuringly to him laying a light kiss on the top of Severus's hair, Severus had never gotten butterflies of the stomach before but now the sensation arose for the first time ever.

He shyly reached for a strange fruit of some kind that was sliced up and awkwardly ate still huddling close to Remus as best he could. "Let's go find seats, these shoes are killing me." Remus whispered with a light laugh, he lead Severus toward the table Draco and Harry were seated at, Remus guided Snape to a sitting position since the poor thing was darting his head around to pick up any danger (once again a bad habit he developed).

His attention span was struggling in the populated setting, it was loud and crowded while Severus was quiet and out of place. Remus sat closely to him, scooting his chair closer to give him some security. Harry finally noticed the two join after several seconds of barking at someone's dog in a derpy manner making Draco uncontrollably cackle. It was amusing to say the least. "Oh hello there!" He smiled trying to act casual. "It's okay, it'll be more quiet when the actual ceremony starts." Remus softly reassured the dark eyed man, Snape turned his head and nodded finally giving the others his attention. 

The four ate joked, and occasionally gave a hearty laugh, minus Severus who had a goblin cackle similar to Draco which made them even laugh harder, then a patronus charm had announced everyone must get into their rows. Severus's heart was racing as he walked along next to Remus closely, his arm was around Snape's shoulders so he could feel it, and tried his best to calm the other's anxiety attack down. But before he knew it, music began and a white dress swept across the red carpet, Ron at the alter looking absolutely terrified, and that blasted dog barking it's tail off while chasing a gnome, and it only made Severus seem more overwhelmed, the sound may have gotten quieter but his brain was getting louder.


A/N: SORRY ITS BEEN SO LONG OH MY SATAN— this was going to be one chapter but it decided I wanted to post it quicker since the algorithm hates me a little— so keep an eye out for part two!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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