Doe eyes

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Severus was a nervous wreck, he was pacing nervously. Not only was he going to attend the wedding of two of his students/friends, but he also had a date to said wedding with none other than Remus Lupin himself.

He paused his pacing and fixed his hair softly, trying not to bite the skin on his lips off as to look as if he wasn't a complete wreck. But before he could begin his rationally stressed thoughts a knock rung at the door. "Come—" he began coughing, forgetting his scarring. "-in.." he continued his wheezing and searched frantically for water. The door opened and Remus assessed what was happening then quickly raced to find a glass for water, handing it to the ravenette. 

Snape reached for it quickly, his sleeves billowing as he did so. As he drank Remus took official time to process what he had been wearing, a white shirt with a semitransparent beige over shirt with flowing sleeves and flowers printed upon the cuffs.

Remus' face was pink as he took notice, he looked on seeing the rest of his outfit, seeing a pair of  white tall boots with lavender laces and roses on the sides, and wearing the same pants that matched his undershirt. Then, to his face, his beautiful face, perfect in every way, curtained buy two small braids. 

Snape looked up and finally processed his staring, "I thought I'd..." he began trying to find words, "-match the occasion?" Remus finished, smiling. "I think we ought to go, we'll be late if not." He said and reached forward picking a stray eyelash off of Severus's cheek. 

Severus nodded shyly and anxiously. Remus held a hand out, Snape glanced at it and shyly placed his own hand into Remus's palm. His hand are so small... Remus thought fondly.

Remus stared into his eyes for a moment, "your eyes...they're-" he began, "-dark..?" Snape slowly lost his posture quietly, "no no... they're like doe's eyes." Remus finished and turned to open the door, still holding the others hand in his. "Oh..." Severus hummed quietly but a smile formed.

They stepped out into the warm field filled with lilies, and walked along toward the gathering of family and friends, still hand in hand, yet Remus removed his hand and held out his arm for Severus to loop his into, and he did so leaning his head on the other's shoulder warmly.

Everything was going to be ok.

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