Chapter 53

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- -  Levi POV - -

I can see the smoke signals fill the air as I cut down the next titan.

I glance towards the side, briefly staring at all the soldiers down there.

I can feel my gaze trying to find a specific person but I bring myself to look away.

There was another round of flesh-tearing stones hurtled in their direction as I felt my heart clench up as I looked away.

The sound of screaming could be heard. even from this distance and with the loud crashing sounds.

I didn't want to look but I couldn't help myself as I scanned the field, subconsciously slicing then nape of another titan.

I could feel the spray of blood hit my face, hot and sticky but it was nothing compared to the sudden hollow feeling in my heart.

I couldn't see her.


She wasn't there, wasn't with the rest of the remaining people, still moving forward onto their suicide march.

She was dead.

She really was gone.

All thought hollowed out from me and I felt dazed, numb.

I thought seeing enough people leave my life would make this easier.

But it wasn't.

Nothing could compare to this.

Nobody was worth more than her.

Somehow, I had hoped that she would be alive, yet there was nothing but a sea of dead bodies scattered on the ground.

Blood staining the grass making it seem like a pool of blood.

Nothing was moving.

I felt myself falter but forced myself to focus back on the titans.

Later. Right now, avenge Y/n.

Kill the Beast Titan.

I looked at the Beast titan and felt all the pain, grief and sadness turn into hatred.

"I'm going to kill you slowly you'll be begging for death by the end of it." I promised as I shot forward, adrenaline pushing me harder.

You're fault.

Y/n is dead.

Because of that titan.

I pass each titan with ease, killing them off as they fall to the ground.

Before the one before falls, I'm already at the next, relishing in the blood and death.

I launch myself up and towards the Beast titan, disappearing through smoke.

Pulling the trigger, the line shoots through and latches onto something hard as I break through the smoke, catching the Beast titan off guard as it stares at me before letting out a savage scream and reaches out for me.

I don't hesitate a second as I retract my hook and cut his arm, deep enough that it splits into multiple parts, all falling to the ground.

Not enough. More blood. More pain.

I turn to go for his nape but I can already see him reaching to cover it.

So I change my course of direction and easily take out his eyes before swinging down and cutting his heels, into the tendons so he falls to the ground.

I can feel the anger bubbling up as I stare at him.

"What happened to all that fun you were having?!" I shout as I launch forward to his nape, this time going for it.

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