Chapter 49

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The Beast titan looked the exact same as it did.

Same fur covering it as well as it's tall height.

I watched as the monkey-looking-titan grabbed something from beside it and swung his arm back just to throw a huge boulder in our direction.

A flash of déjà vu filled me as I remembered how something had crashed into the roof next to me that day.

"Oh shit." I said as Erwin shouted a warning.

"Boulder incoming! Get down!" 

The ground shook as the boulder landed right at the inner gate as the dust billowed below as cries of shock and surprise rose in the air.

"Did he miss?" Someone asked.

"No... That was good aim. He plugged the entrance. Now the horses can't pass. They'll aim for the horses and surround us in order to block our escape and annihilate us here." Erwin said as Levi came on top of the wall.

"We're both hoping for the same thing. To settle it here once and for all. Humanity or titans?! Which side will live?! Which side will perish?!"

- - Time skip - -

"Levi, you don't have time to worry over a silly little wound." I said as Levi grabbed my wrist, pulling me to a halt as he glared at me.

"You'd be doing the same if it was me." Levi argued as I pursed my lips together, not able to argue back on that one.

I watched as he sat me down, making me huff out as I stared at the soldiers, all scrambling to get in line.

The Beast Titan was still staring at us as I grit my teeth as Levi grabbed a small first aid kit and turning his attention to cut that Reiner had scored.

I shrugged my jacket off, hoping to get this down quickly just so we could go help out.

I waited as Levi tied off the fabric with a soft jerk as I pulled my jacket over my shoulders.

"Hey." Levi said, grabbing my wrist before I could rush off as I glanced at Levi.

"You know that was unnecessary." Levi said as I fell silent.

"But he's alive." I argued as Levi took a step forward, eyes closed as he pressed his forehead onto mine.

"Yeah, but you could've lost yours. I saw you hesitate there." Levi said as I fell silent.

"I just... I didn't really want to believe in any of this." I admitted as Levi raised a hand, tangling his fingers into my hair as he pressed us closer towards each other.

"I know." Levi mumbled when I slowly pulled back and placed a hand on his chest.

"I've already told you. I'm going to try, for you. For us." I said as Levi nodded, giving one more glance before making his way back down the wall, towards the Armoured Titan.

Erwin was shouting orders as I came up to him, catching his attention.

"That's the one." Erwin said, not particularly asking a question as I just nodded.

"Yeah." I muttered, a shiver running down my spine when Levi came back upwards.

"Erwin, he's gonna climb up." Levi said, catching our attention as we looked back to see Reiner now on his feet.

His fingers and toes hardened into that weird substance before he came racing to the wall and slammed his toes into the wall.

"All troops! Avoid clashing with the Armoured Titan! Stay away from him!" Erwin ordered as they all shouted a "Roger!"

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