Chapter 35

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I stared in horror, ignoring the blood that was already crusting over my hands.

We flew around the entire village, looking at the dead bodies that were scattered around the place.

I landed next to another body, forcing myself to look at their face, to remember them.

I didn't recognise their face. Not because I didn't know them.

Because there was no head attached to their body.

I closed my eyes, ignoring the pain that stabbed through my body as I leaned down and grabbed their scout badge.

"Thank you... and I'm sorry." I mumbled as I placed the scout badge into my pocket filled with already many.

I shot my hooks into the roof, propelling myself forward as I saw Levi and made my way towards him.

"Levi..." I whispered out in horror as he turned to me.

I could see something glinting beneath his cool grey eyes.

A sign that he was feeling the same pain I was feeling.

I closed my eyes as I clenched my fists tightly.

"Have you noticed something weird?" I asked, ignoring the empty feeling in my stomach.

"Yeah..." Levi mumbled as I glanced around.

"The bodies... They're placed behind houses and trees. Almost as if... they're trying to be hidden." I mumbled as Levi nodded.

"Someones wrong." Levi mused out loud just as Oluo landed on the roof.

"Levi, we found a survivor!" Oluo said as we both blinked in surprise.

"Where are they?" Levi asked as Oluo pointed towards the other side of the village, behind the huge towers standing in the middle of the village.

"Petra's currently trying to stop the bleeding, but Captain... I don't think he'll make it." Oluo said softly as Levi had a grim look on his face before glancing at me.

"I'm going to search for anymore survivors. I know there are a few more houses more towards the forest. Hopefully, I can find a survivor there." I said as Levi nodded before pausing.

"Just, don't die." Levi said as I offered a small grin.

"Wouldn't dream of it." I replied as Oluo shot off, Levi looking back at me again before following Oluo as I turned the other way and made my way into the forest.

I made sure to stay higher up, just in case I did come across a titan.

I saw wooden houses in a small clearing as I dropped down from above and ran towards the door.

I slammed it open, running inside the house.

"Anyone there?" I shouted as I opened all the doors, checking inside all the rooms.

I found nothing but emptiness as I ran out, searching through all the houses.

What confused was the fact that there were no bodies. Nothing at all.

I frowned, about to make my way back when a muffled thump made me pause.

Swiftly, I pulled my swords out their compartments as I shot my hooks into the roof, propelling myself up onto it.

I expected to see titan somewhere on the other side, but I saw nothing but a small shed.

I frowned, dropping down as I made my way to the shed cautiously.

Slowly pulling on the shed door, I looked inside the wood stacks before I could see something in the corner.

"Hey, there kiddo." I said softly as I saw a kid, a boy who looked no older than ten, huddled inside the corner of the wood shed.

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