Chapter 19

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I felt like I was underwater.

There was a faint light shimmering above the surface and as I made my way closer and closer towards it...

I broke to the surface out of a dead blank into a whiter world than I had ever seen. 

The daylight was blinding. 

Blearily, I looked around the room, eyes still adjusting to the brightness.

I was confused as I looked around to see myself lying on a bed, in a room.

Where am I? I thought as I groaned, raising a hand to my pounding head.

Everything was fuzzy, like snippets from a film as I tried thinking.


We... We were on an expedition.


Then something happened, but what?

I groaned, trying to concentrate through the haze of memories.

We were chased.

Eren... Eren was with us.

Petra, Oluo, Gunther, Eld, Levi and I.

We... No, Levi had to leave.

Because Erwin came with a plan.

My eyes widened in shock as everything started rushing back.

The female titan. 

It was chasing us. But we caught it?

No, wait. 

I remember the flash of blades and a falling body.

It killed Gunther.

We tried taking it out.

It regenerated one eye.

Eld... he's dead too.


I saved Petra.

The memories were flooding in now.

I pushed her out the way.

I woke up after that... in the trees.

I tried getting back.

My eyes widened in shock.

"I'm sorry, Levi. For everything."

"Holy shit! I'm alive!" I said in surprise.

Well, that's what I tried to say but it came out in a raspy voice and I threw a coughing fit.

The door was pushed open as three familiar faces walked into the room.

"Y/n-san!" Eren shouted, green eyes widened in shock.

"Mikasa, get Hange-san!" Eren said as I coughed again.

Armin walked over to me and pressed a cup into my hand.

"Y/n-san, drink this." Armin said as I drank from the cup, hydrating my dry throat.

The door opened as Hange stepped into the room, eyes wide with shock beneath her glasses.

"Y/n!" Hange cried out, wrapping her arms around me as I coughed again.

"H-Hange." I stammered out, resulting in her wrapping her arms around me even tighter.

"You're alive!" Hange said as I was beginning to see black dots floating around.

"Hange, too tight!" I said as Hange let me go and I took in a huge lungful of air.

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