Chapter 8

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After hearing her out, Cambrel was quiet for a while. "I don't think his majesty is angry with you."

"You don't?" Harry asked. Cambrel nodded his head and answered, "Not in the slightest."

After hearing his reassuring words, Harry felt a little better. "Alright," she replied. "I believe you, but I'll still have to apologize to him later."

Cambrel looked over at her and then shook his head. "Too polite," he sighed. Harry turned to him in surprise. "Pardon?" she asked.

Cambrel smiled and put his hands on her shoulders. "Forgive me Princess, but this is a party after all, not to mention, it's all for you. Now, what good would it do if you stay cooped up here all by yourself?"
He pushed her forward. "Now go enjoy it."

Harry turned to look at him before entering the crowd of people. She looked all over the room to see who she could go talk to. The men were all in their own group, it was the same way with the women. She continued to look until a small group of girls her age caught her eye.

"Um, hello," she said, walking over to them. They had all been talking and laughing until she had joined them.

The girls all stared at her silently. Harry smiled and continued to try to talk to them. "Hi everyone," she said timidly. "My name is Harry, but you probably already know that." Nobody responded to her. "So, um...may I ask what your names are?"

The group just stood staring at her in silence until she finally left. This was how everyone in the ballroom treated her. She ended up right back where she started.

Harry let out a sigh, "I'm not having any luck making new friends." She suddenly thought about her two friends back in the village. She missed them and wondered what they were doing. If they had been by her side tonight, then they wouldn't have let the nobles' rude attitude towards her slide.

"How pitiful."

The voice that had spoken felt so close to her that it sent chills up her spine. It sounded so cold that it made her shiver. When she finally summoned enough courage to turn around, there was no one there. She didn't have time to think about it, because the king suddenly stood up and made another announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the king said in a big voice. "My fair noblemen, the time for our cheers and dances have now all come to a close. I'm happy to each and every one of you who could attend tonight's ball." He waved his hand. "It is late, so I will be leaving first." After saying those words of parting, he turned his back to them. Caroline laughed, then got up to follow him.


Later, when they made it back to their chambers, Caroline sat on the bed with a book in her lap. She was reading quietly until she heard the door to the bathroom click open. The king came out in his night attire. He looked annoyed and rubbed his head. Caroline closed her book.

"Good work today," she joked.

He looked at the fire burning brightly in the fireplace. He then sat in bed and turned to Caroline. She stared back at him. "Your majesty," she called. "What's-"

"Caroline," he said suddenly in a serious tone. "You said..."

"Yes?" she asked nervously.

"You said you would tell me the secret to get closer to Harry," he whined. "Was that a lie?"

Caroline suddenly started to laugh at the king's sudden change in attitude. "I was wondering why you suddenly became so serious." she continued to laugh. "So that's why! Haha! I did say that, didn't I? Well then, I'll tell you." She put her finger up and said sternly, "Listen, Harry doesn't know how to react to men, for as long as she can remember, it's always been the two of us, but that all has changed. Harry's happiness comes from simple things like cooking a meal, hanging out with her friends, or helping around the house. Now, she's in a new environment where she can't do any of that. Do you understand?"

He nodded, "Yes, I think I know what to do now, thank you."

Caroline looked at him with a suspicious look on her face. "Hmm...and what's that?"

He gave her a sneaky grin and replied, "You'll find out tomorrow." And with that, the two said nothing more and turned off the lights.

A Princess Named Harry Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora