46. - 50.

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Please don't look at me
as if you understand me.
~E, you're giving me false hopes.

I needed to let you go.
For us—and me.
~E, the best decision.

Although we may not need each other anymore.
I will always be grateful for what we did have.
~E, thank you.

The Sun and it's Moon.
I can take the form of whatever you want me to be.
I can be outgoing and bright
like the sun.
Or I can be quiet and reserved
like the moon.
It's up to you.
~E, whatever you need.

thank you for,
wearing your heart on your sleeve,
when knowing it'll cost you.
deciding to express your emotions rather then keeping them pent up,
even when you knew people would take it the wrong way.
the way you expressed yourself,
knowing people would judge.
~E, thank you for taking a stand.

sunsets after dark. | poetry collectionWhere stories live. Discover now