Chapter 30- Reborn

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The courtyard was alight with the dimming light of day, the sun dipping below the horizon and casting an array of colors across the star dotted sky. There were many clouds milling around the landscape, lower than usual, signifying that the day would grow to be quite overcast. Chilly evening winds danced through the corridors of the vacant Creepypasta High School, the only living being within the premises being a certain murderer in the center of 4 collapsing vortexes.

Jimmy Casekt shifted in his restless sleep, muttering nonsensical things under his breath. His knife was a few feet away, discarded since it gave him a cut when he tried to preform tricks with it. Unbeknownst to him, the vortexes were closing up, signals from his ghostly allies that his targets had been lost. Which meant, to him at least, that his plan was doomed and they were coming straight to him. Once once they figured out what they could do...

It would not end well for him.

In a quick flash, the vortexes were completely gone, the last wisps of their energy vanishing in the illumination of the streetlamps, which were flickering on one by one across the city. For a few moments, all seemed to be silently at peace. After those moments came to an end, that peace was almost instantaneously shattered. However, unlike most grand entrances, there was no fanfare to mark the heroes' arrival, nor no grand spectacle in the sky as they descended from another vortex. Instead, there were only four short sentences.

Venturian has joined the game.

BethanyFrye has joined the game.

HomelessGoomba has joined the game.

ImmortalKyodai has joined the game.

They say that actions speak louder than words, but in this case I believe that nothing could have been louder than this for Casket.

Four figured spawned in the parking lot of the school, panting and wheezing for air. Jordan coughed, sinking to the ground, trying to catch his breath. Bethany spawned lying on her back, eyes wide as if she was still falling. She sat up, getting her bearings. Cierra was seemingly asleep for the first few seconds, but then bolted upright, glancing around. Isaac spawned facedown, unmoving.

The siblings caught their breath, and then took in the fact that they were all together again. Once it sunk in, they all laughed and hugged each other tightly.

"Oh my gosh I'm so glad you all are okay!" Jordan exclaimed, laughing through happy tears.

"I thought we were doomed!" Bethany grinned.

"I was sure that were were going to be stuck here forever!" Cierra smiled. "And when I fell down the elevator shaft when Wheatley turned-"

"Hold up," Jordan stopped her. "Wheatley? You got to go into Portal?!"

Cierra nodded.

"LUCKY!" He shouted. "I was in Fallout, though, so I guess it wasn't so bad."

"Did you get to meet Cywren?!" Bethany asked enthusiastically. "Was she like I drew her?"

"Yep!" He chuckled. "And Timebomb and Sarah and Copper and Quasar!"

"I got to meet Steve and Bry- I mean Herobrine!" Bethany said, a sort of sad look in her eyes that quickly faded. "I fought the ender dragon and we kicked butt!"

"I bet you did!" Cierra told her. "Isaac, what did you-"

It was then that they realized that Isaac had not spoken a word, nor had he moved an inch since they'd spawned. They also took the opportunity to realize that he didn't seem all that Isaac-looking anymore, and was more of a zombie that shared majority of features with Isaac. Panic ensued.

"Isaac?!" Bethany said, shaking his shoulder. "Wake up..."

The smiles from their faces fell away as they crowded around Isaac's limp form.

"Please don't be dead..." Choked out Cierra. "C'mon Isaac..."

Jordan lifted Isaac's hand, letting it fall. Instead of slacking to the side, it laded on the ground and flopped around for a few seconds, completely defying any laws of physics. Jordan's eyes widened as he pushed Bethany and Cierra out of the way.


"He's not dead," Jordan said quickly. "He's ragdolling."

Cierra frowned. "What?"

"Remember one of the more recent mods we did?" Jordan said, closing his eyes and thinking hard. "We had the Left 4 Dead ragdolls, not the playermodels." He told them. He stuck a hand into his pocket, and in an instant, a holographic inventory menu popped up in front of him. He rushed through it a moment before selecting something, causing it to dissipate. In his hands, he held a small tool that looked like a hodgepodge of metal parts connected with duct tape, all supporting a small screen.

So basically a more useful Apple Watch.

Jordan messed with some settings on the screen before the text read "Make NPC" and fired the thing at Isaac. Everyone held their breath, anticipating the result...

Isaac lifted his head.

There was a cheer as they all enveloped him in a hug. Random sentence fragments such as "we're so glad you're okay" and "you had us for a minute there" were exchanged among the four. Isaac was startled a minute, confusion plain on his face, but then he smiled and hugged back.

"I'm okay, don't worry." He grinned. "Guess it was kind of like the ultimate troll, am I right?"

There was a collective laugh. "Yeah, don't do that again." Chuckled Jordan.

"I won't," Isaac assured him.

Just as everything seemed to be working itself out and the sun finally dipped below the city skyline, it dawned on them very quickly that they'd forgotten something- or someone.

"Greetings, fellow adventurers!" Snickered the figure of Jimmy Casket, standing silhouetted against the light from the distant street lamps. His knife glinted, his eyes piercing through the darkened like two tiny red stars.

The four stood up, facing them in their game getup. Jordan, in the power armor, Cierra in her Aperture Science uniform complete with portal gun, Isaac in his zombie form, and Bethany clad in iron armor and diamond sword.

Jimmy grinned, extending his hands. "Welcome to the boss level!"

This Isn't A Game Anymore (VenturianTale fan fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz