Chapter 2- Secrets

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        Jordan slid off his duct taped- headphones and let them dangle around his neck. Quickly, he shut off Left 4 Dead after glancing at the time. 10:39 PM. Dinner had come and gone, and Mama Frye had already gone  to bed.

        “Jordan, I’m gonna get some Cheerios, alright?” Cierra said over Skype.

        “So mature!” Isaac said sarcastically with a laugh.

        Bethany laughed. “I’m gonna come too. Everyone needs a Cheerio break once in awhile.”

        Jordan smiled. “Okay. I’m going to clean up the computer mess.”

        “Alright. Lemme mute your line so we don’t hear glass clinking around everywhere.” Isaac said, before his line went silent.

        Jordan muted his Skype before rolling his swivel chair out from under his desk. He stole a glance at the smoking machine.

        Wait... He didn’t remember the computer smoking before!

        And this smoke was different than normal smoke. It was darker, thicker, and almost... alive. It writhed around the broken glass shards like coiling snakes.

        Jordan approached it cautiously. Hesitantly, he tried to touch the odd smoke. It almost seemed to flinch and move away from his touch. He was about to do it again when a knife suddenly went flying by his shoulder and embedded itself in the wall.

        “What the-?” Jordan yelled, backing up against the wall and looking for whoever threw it.

        A psychotic laugh echoed around Jordon, as if he were in a larger space than he actually was. It seemed eerily familiar...

        A dark figure stood in the doorway, red eyes gleaming crazily. Jordan had to squint to see who it was. “Who are you?” He asked it, inching away from the knife.

        The figure laughed again, stepping into the light. He had a bloodstained blue sweatshirt on, the hood almost torn off for it was so tattered. The symbol on the front reminded him of the Ghostbusters logo, as it was a red circle with a ghost in the center with a red line through that. It was hardly visible behind the maroon layer of blood that soaked most of his clothes. His dark jeans had holes and rips, more blood splattered across the legs. His eyes were crazed and murderous, a mad glint in their red pupils.

        “Hello, Jordan!” He laughed, stepping closer.

        “Who are you?” Jordan stuttered, backing up into the wall.

        An evil grin spread across the man’s face, and he approached Jordan who was to afraid to react. “What, you don’t remember me?”

        A look of realization flashed across Jordan’s face. The man’s voice, his personality, and that knife, it all meant one thing.

        “J-Jimmy?” Jordan gasped. “Jimmy Casket?”

        Jimmy smiled and nodded. “There you go! Now ya remember, don’t you?”

        “B-but... You’re supposed to be only in Gmod!” Jordan shouted as Jimmy stepped closer. “In the game!”

        Jimmy’s eyes narrowed, but his maniacal smile remained. “This isn’t a game anymore, Frye.” Jimmy said in a voice that sounded almost exactly like Jordan’s when he was roleplaying as him.

        Jordan’s eyes swam with fear and he reached for the knife that had stuck into his Frozen poster. Jimmy beat him to it and swiped the knife at Jordan’s hand. Blood poured from the wound and he yelped in pain.

        “Ah, ah, ah!” Jimmy cackled. “Don’t touch something that isn’t yours!”

        Jordan glanced around frantically, looking for a weapon of some kind. All he found was his plastic Minecraft figurine of Steve, which sported diamond armor and a miniature diamond sword. Desperately, Jordan grabbed the sword and stabbed it at Jimmy’s chest. Jimmy didn’t even flinch, but rather glanced down at the tiny plastic sword which had been stabbed into his torso.

        He gave Jordan a mocking look and removed the bloodied toy. “Really?” Jimmy laughed. “You call that a knife?”

        Jimmy pressed his knife against Jordan’s neck, making him choke. “BETHANY! ISAAC! CIERRA!” He shouted, with some difficulty.

        Jimmy’s maniacal smile became wider as he pressed the knife harder. Jordan gagged and choked, struggling for breath. “Hey, hey hey hey hey,” Jimmy said, his eyes glinting with madness. “Wanna know my secret?”


       Bethany slowly poured a steady stream of milk into her bowl, watching it splash onto the once-dry Cheerios. Dropping a spoon into the mix, she walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch. Cierra was waiting for her there, happily munching on her cereal.

        A thump carried through the hallway from Jordan’s room, with a few muffled words following it.

        Bethany glanced toward Jordan’s door, which briefly shook in its hinges. “Do you think we should make sure Jordan’s ok?” She asked.

        Cierra nodded, setting her bowl aside. “Yeah. We should also see if he needs any help with cleaning up that computer mess-” She was interrupted by a loud crash that echoed throughout the house.

        Bethany looked at Cierra, eyes wide, and silent words traveled between them. In a split second, they both took off running toward Jordan’s room.


This Isn't A Game Anymore (VenturianTale fan fiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum