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We marched the whole day in search of something to rob when we finally saw a smokestack rising above the trees. Getting closer and closer, it seemed to be a camp. Soldiers are running all over the place. "Men! Prepare for a fight! Our scouts saw vikings coming ashore not too far from here! We are to find and kill them!" I could only guess that the screaming man was some sort of general. And they were clearly searching for us. I saw a glimpse of Askeladd's hair move through the bushes as he stepped into the clearing. "No need to search for us! We're right here! Now, if you get on your knees and surrender, I'll let you live!" Shock went through the entire camp as the registered what just happened. The screaming man was the first to speak up. "And how exactly do you plan to kill us? You're only one man!" Oh, but im far from only one man! You see, vikings travel in a group." As Askeladd said that everyone walked out of the bushes and joined their leader. I dont know why those idiot soldiers thought he was alone, but that was easily their biggest mistake ever. "S-SOLDIER! ATTACK!"

"Hahaha! Kill them all."

Those last words were cold, no cheeky tone to find, just pure bloodlust. Together with the others, i sprinted ahead, trying to get deeper into the camp. I was dodging swords and spears left and right, using anything i could grab to fight back. As another spear went past me, i grabbed the sword off the soldiers hip, turning back to him and sending his head flying. "Oooohhh. This is a nice sword. Stealing its sheat off the dead body, i slung it over my shoulder and kept going. I reached the middle of camp, where all the fires were burning. All enemies, their heads turned in my direction as i was the first to get this far. "Oops." I ran around dodging and killing as much as i could. I was keeping up pretty well when i felt my neck snatch back. Looking behind me, i saw a big man whose face was covered by a helmet, holding the chain connected to the collar on my neck. "Shit!"
Now now, i think you've done enough, no? He pulled on the chain as he held his sword against my neck. As he went to slash me, blood sprayed out the back of his head, and he crumbled to the ground. Behind the now dead man stood Thorfinn, holding his bloody dagger. He gave me a cold stare before continuing with his killing spree, and i headed the opposite direction.

In the end, i found another sword as i slung it over my other shoulder. We would be staying here for the night, so i went ahead and claimed the nicest tent i could find. Dumping my stuff on the bed, i looked around the room. There was a small desk, a wardrobe, a burning fire pit, and a bed. Very nice and cozy. Looking into the closet, i found some uniforms and a pair of boots. Taking the boots, i replaced my worn down, shitty shoes with them. They were knee-high, black combat boots and way more comfortable than what i previously wore. I also stole the uniform pants as it was just a nicer pair.

We ate all the food supplies from the camp as diner and then headed to bed. I was still up late sharpening my sword when someone entered my tent. Looking over, Throfinn stood in the entrance. He did a quick scan before spotting me, but when he did, he gained a frown on his face. "What?" I asked, getting annoyed. "All the tents are occupied." He said. "We'll that aint my problem, i was here first." I dont care, leave. I want the bed." He had some damn nerve. "If you wanted a bed, you should have claimed one! This one is mine." I saved your ass today. You owe me." Well, i didn't ask to be saved now, did i? I don't owe you shit!" He still wasn't leaving. Instead, he closed the tent behind him and went to sit on the bed. "You searching for problems?" I asked, pointing my sword menacingly. He grabbed his daggers. "I won't go easy on you this time." He answered. I stood up and hovered over him. He was easily a head shorter than me. We locked into a staring contest before he huffed and laid down on the bed. "H-hey! I just told you you can't have it!" Too late im already laying down." I practically growled at his answer. This asshole!

Not letting him win, i grabbed his arm and yanked him off, taking his place on the bed. He got back up and tried to do the same to me, but i just pushed him away. "Get lost, tiny." This time, he jumped on top of me, trying to get his hands around my neck. "I should've just let you die!" Yeah! Wel, you didn't so suck it up!" We wrestled like two kids fighting over some candy. In the end, i ended on top, but his legs were over my shoulders and around my neck. Once we noticed our position, we untangled ourselves immediately and stared at each other. We both had blush on our cheeks. I was the first to talk. "Damn, didn't know you swing that way, dude. I'm not interested, though, sorry." Shut up, man! That's not it, and you know it!" Thorfinn yelled.

In the end, we compromised. He got the head end and i the rest. I even won the pillow.

I awoke when it was still dark outside. Sitting up groggily, i searched for throfinn only to find him right beside me. Oh shit. I must've grabbed him in my sleep. The moment brought fort quite some memories as i thought about all the children i had held in the same way.

I was ten. I held onto the small and fragile body of some poor kid. The master was taking him to auction the next day, but i couldn't just watch as they took him away. He was only six he couldn't possibly survive something as horrid as auction. I had been there myself and wouldn'ttwish it upon anyone to ever have to go through that. The hunger, the pain in my legs, the thirst from standing in the hot sun. I saw full-grown men fall to the ground and women being hit and beaten. It was all too cruel.

"Slave, let the boy go, and i will forgive you, rebellion." He had arrived. I stared up at him through angry tears.

"Over my dead body."

Sadly, he took those words seriously, and i was released from isolation the moment i was too weak to stand. I was on the brink of death once they were done with me. That specific day was what made me who i was today. Beaten and broken, blind in my left eye, scars all over my body, and a stone cold heart. I would never forgive that man. He really was the lowest of the low.

I looked at thorfinn, who seemed to finally be getting a peaceful slumber,but i couldn't bring myself to lay back down. Instead, i got up and dressed and headed out. I hunted some animals to clear my mind and washed my face in some random river. It was early morning when i returned to camp, and it was already full of life. Maybe im not doing the right thing, but this is definitely nicer than being a slave.

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