He dodged what looked like an energy attack which was sent at quite a slow speed from a small... machine?

He looked at the machines in front of him which sent a barrage of attacks at him.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The machines repeated at him as he dodged another energy attack. The first thing that happens once waking up and exiting the shopping district, unaware of the nearby machine which caught him off guard but he managed to protect himself in time.

One of the machines ran at him with its arms going haywire. Like a berserker, it ran at him at speed as he dodged quickly its rampaging assault.

Trace On...! A flood of prana emerged as he used his aria to activate his circuits. A mental image of his circuits activating with a click rang in his mind, alongside a visual of two swords that he knows as his hands grasp imaginary handles.

Slash Clang Kaching Crackle!

He attacked the machine as soon as his swords materialized and sent it flying back. He saw sparks emit from the torn hand of the machine. He then dodged a round from another machine that was equipped with a gun. He blinks with surprise at the thought of a small machine wielding a gun shooting what seems like energy rounds.

He would have resorted to doing things peacefully. But the moment they saw him, they decided to attack him.

Just what are these things? Shirou stared at the machines with wonder. The obvious is there, they're machines. But who exactly made them? And were they programmed to be hostile?

"Die Android!"

Android? Shirou blinked with surprise as it caught him off guard. He dodged the machine with a saw that charged at him. He brought down the married swords with strength as they cleaved through the machine with ease. Running at the machine that he cut its hand off, he was quick to attack it as well and destroy it. Sparks flew and it fell with a thud. He dodged an energy round and Kanshou and Bakuya disappeared, in his hand was a bow and he nocked the bowstring back and projected an arrow, placing it against the string.

Fwoosh! Clang!

The sword soared ahead and pierced the machine right in its head with ease. He saw as it fell to the ground and stared with a blank look at the three mechanical bodies lying on the ground. He couldn't help but stare as he then decided he had overstayed his welcome here in the city.

"Android spotted!"


Shirou saw a group of small machines run at him all at once. Their screams filled his ears and their eyes turned vibrant red as they ran at him. Pushing his magical energy into his circuits, he projected multiple arrows that shot forth in a burst at the machines. Once the arrows came in contact, he saw all the machines spontaneously explode at the same time. His eyes widened at the realization.

They weren't trying to assault me. They were trying to self-destruct right at me. Shirou was in awe. The thought of these machines running at you in hopes of self-destruction caught him off guard. A last resort can be a smart tactic in hoping to damage your opponent but ultimately you only have one chance of course. These machines are much more terrifying than he thought.

His bow disappeared after realizing that there were no longer any threats. He knelt right next to one of the machines and stared at the dead mechanical body with curiosity. Its eyes were empty and no longer glowing the vibrant red. He flipped it over casually with a bit of strength, the weight of the machine is heavy as he then stopped crouching.

Androids? If the machine's words were true, then androids are also another thing he has to worry about. Not out of fear, but out of wary.

What role do androids and machines play in this? From the hostility that the machines showed towards androids. It seems like they're natural enemies. He blinked as he went ahead and stared at the city ruins. He then looked over towards the horizon and brought his hand over his head so he can get a better view of where else to go. As he looked, he saw a moose ahead as he blinked. He also recalled seeing a few other animals while he walked.

Everdistant Utopia [NieR: Automata] [Fate]Where stories live. Discover now