Kiyo taking charge.

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(Kiyo's PoV)

As soon as the rules and everything were explained, I gathered Hirata, Sudo, Ike, my only friend who doesn't openly glare at me, Akibro.

"I found a good place. Ike, Sudo, Akito, follow me. And Hirata, you manage the group."

"Why the hell should we listen to you?"
Sudo showed me his fist. Maybe I shouldn't have saved him.

"I don't want Sakura to feel uncomfortable."

"Oh? You want to impress her?"
Ike said to me while smiling, but his eyes were not. I should be careful around him. He is the president of AMC afterall, Ayanokoji Murder Committee.

"Why do I need to impress her when I am already her boyfriend?"

Ike and Sudo dramatically fell down.

"You should not focus on other's girlfriend Ike. The girl that has crush on you gets hurt seeing you act like this all the time."

"Huh? Girl? Crush? Me? Hahahahaha! I know I am cool so it's obvious! Totally obvious! But... Ayanokoji, if you wouldn't mind, who are you talking about? So many girls have crush on me that I don't know who are you talking about! Haha!"

Ike...look how happy you are looking.

"Oye Kanji! He is pulling your leg! It's impossible for a girl to have a crush on you!"

Before they waste more time, I just said, "Shinohara."

Of course that's pure bullshit. If anything, Shinohara hates him the most. But in most movies and dramas, they are the ones that end up becoming a couple before the main characters who just spend so much time being insecure.

While Ike and Sudo were busy getting shocked, Akibro gaves me a thumbs up and Hirata just awkwardly smiled at me.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"
"Ah wait! What about getting the card?"

Hirata asked a valid question. I showed him and Akibro, who don't have loose mouth.

'Horikita Suzune'

I noticed her being ill, and I can use that.

"Don't question and follow along! We will have 300 points by the end of this."
"Okay. I will trust you on this."

Hirata quickly supported me. Akibro gave a thumbs up as well. He drank a lot of free juice and cold drink on the cruise, that's why he is suffering from sore throat.

Free food and drinks are evil. I have experienced it firsthand.

So, Hirata went to organising the group, and me, Akibro, Ike, and Sudo ran towards the cave, while Ike filling the map. He seems experienced.

"Do you have any experience, Ike?"
"Huh? Why the hell are you bragging about experience out of nowhere? I will kill you!"

...Is he... talking about some other kind of 'experience'? Why does he think about things like that all day?

"Experience in camping. What were you imagining?"
"Oh camping!? Yeah! My family camps a lot. Bro, say things clearly!"

I just nodded and we continue running. Ike was also making marks on the tress with a pointed stone as we went. Oh, it's good thing that I brought him. Normally, when I and Sakura were left in forest, we would just climb to tall trees to determine where we have to go, or go Tarzan style as she has named it.

Soon, we reached the cave, and as the three were busy admiring everything, I fastly claimed the cave and the two spots nearby.

So if we get three spots every eight hours, we get 9 points a day and 63 points in a week. Pretty good.

There are two fishing rods and water source nearby too. It's the perfect place.

I noticed two guys from a different class hidden in bushes, but it's not a problem. It is better if they think that I am the leader.

I will make sure to fish out 150 from all the three classes, and have them lose bonus and 50 points for guessing wrongly.

My target is 400 points for this exam.

And I have to somehow keep Class B's points around 100 or less.

Now, since the first task is done, it's time to get to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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