Chapter 1: Wake Up.

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Our brave little blue haired adventurer, Hilda, appears to be waking up. But something is different. Her head... it hurts...
She held her hand to her head and felt bandages wrapped around her head. This was odd... She ripped them off and felt her head.

Hilda: "Feels good... mostly..."

She looked at the bandage wrappings she ripped away from her head and noticed red stains all over them.
Hilda: "Was... was my head bleeding?"

Hilda looked around at her surroundings. She seemed to be in a hospital bed, as well as being in her own hospital room... the weird thing was... where was everyone? It was dark, and seemed so empty, like everyone just left her all alone.
Hilda tried to leave her bed, but her legs gave out for an unknown reason and she fell face first onto the floor.

Hilda groaned in agony, and yet slowly, the pain in her legs were going away. It felt like the bones inside her legs went from broken to perfectly healed in a matter of seconds. After the pain was gone, Hilda looked at her legs to see if there was any more significance she should know about.

Hilda: "Huff... huff... I guess I'm alright for now... but..."

Hilda looked at the hospital gown she had just realized she was wearing. She started to put some of the pieces together, but she still was missing that completed her puzzled thoughts.

Hilda: "If I was sent to the hospital to be treated... where is everyone? And what happened to me that resulted in me going here?"

After looking around for a little bit, Hilda finally got up and went to her room's door. When she opened it, it felt more empty then her own hospital room... simply because it was. Was she by herself? Why would everyone leave her alone? Then, one of... no, the most important person in her life came to her mind. She wouldn't leave her alone here, would she? No of course not, she loved her. Hilda remembered the bandages with blood, and a thought came to her mind.

Hilda: "Maybe... yes, of course. Mum sent me here to be taken care of... yeah, of course that's the case."

Hilda knew this was the case, it's just... where was she? Why was she all alone in this place without her mum? She didn't want to admit it, and she didn't need to, but even with all the bravery she had, she was still just an 11-year-old girl, of course she was scared... but she was more lonely than anything.

Hilda: "Sigh... come on Hilda, an abandoned hospital shouldn't leave you feeling upset. You can find your way out of here, you've been in way worse situations. Like that troll you and Twig had to run away from... hehe, that was pretty traumatic..."

Hilda started her way through the corridors.

Hilda: "But such is the life of an adventurer!"

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