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TEARS STREAMED FROM VISERYS’ eyes, sobbing and strangled cries echoing from inside his chambers

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TEARS STREAMED FROM VISERYSeyes, sobbing and strangled cries echoing from inside his chambers. He was a shit brother to his siblings, oh he knew, but Daemon didn't have to get him in so much trouble. Viserys paused his sobs upon hearing a knock on his door, he slowly slid it open, finding a servant girl holding a tray of wine as she trembled at the sight of a dragon up her front.

Viserys guessed she was new. "M-My prince, you requested w-wine?" she stuttered, the poor girl had heard of stories, the stories of the dragon siblings. The most eligible people in the marriage market, known for their Valyrian beauty, dragons and authority. Viserys smirked slightly, "You needn't be nervous, maiden. I do not bite." he smiled genuinely.

The servant girl relaxed slightly, "Of course, my prince." she smiled lightly as Viserys eyed her, his stare intense like a dragon.

The prince needed a distraction, and it would be a distraction he gets. He invited the girl in, after a comforting conversation about the fighting and bloodshed, it got quite heated. "My prince?" the girl stammered as he got closer. Their lips connected, one thing led to another, and the girl sat on top of him. Moaning and sighing in relief and pleasure. A little blue bird listened from the other side of the door, frowning.


HAELARA FROWNED AS A vision crossed her mind, "The blue bird listens through the door, the sound of pleasure echoing, the peaceful prince makes a mistake." Haelara muttered, disappointed. Daemon frowned, raising an eyebrow, "Is something wrong, Hael?" he asked, forgetting about sharpening his sword any longer.

"No. no. Nothing." Haelara insisted, although Daemon did not believe her, he hesitated, but did not push it, finding it a waste of time as she would not say anything. Next thing they knew, they found a half dressed Viserys and an angry little Aemma Arryn, who was dressed in blue, stomping away from the Silver haired boy in betrayal.

Daemon chuckled in amusement, "Looks like Viserys has a little problem."  Haelara also chuckled slightly, fiddling with the hem of her dress. Viserys sighed in frustration from afar, not noticing his two siblings sat down on a blanket like a they're having a little picnic, Aemma caught him and the maid, Alyra, doing a scandalous act.

Aemma was not an innocent little girl, she had a noticable fire, and knew of those weird acts. "Aemma!" Viserys exclaimed in frustration, he wasn't about to lose his betrothed.

Haelara and Daemon shook their heads in unison, going back to gossiping about court and trash talking the Lords and Ladies that surrounded the Targaryens with loving words and adoring stares trying to gain their favor. Haelara looked into Daemon’s eyes, and the world slowed as he grinned. Haelara melted, and for the first time, she held the biggest smile she could ever muster.

Daemon grinned even bigger, but a moment of realization crossed him abruptly. The look in her eyes screamed love. Love? Daemon pushed the ugly thought of loving his sister that way, and continued to baby her.

𝖠𝖴𝖳𝖧𝖮𝖱'𝖲 𝖭𝖮𝖳𝖤aight, so act one will be basically just up to 9 or 8, it's just a sum of how bad and how good their childhood relationship was until Daemon broke it up for random reasons and shii, personal emotions and stuff

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aight, so act one will be basically just up to 9 or 8, it's just a sum of how bad and how good their childhood relationship was until Daemon broke it up for random reasons and shii, personal emotions and stuff. But like for all we know, Haelara & Daemon will grow apart bcs of their engagement and stuff😍😍😍

𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒, daemon targaryenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora