chapter 3

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Harry woke slowly it felt like he had been run over by a truck. He moved and felt soft sheets under his hands sheets way to comfy to be the blanket full of holes he is made to sleep with at the dursleys. Harry's eyes widened and his heart started racing with fear."where am i" thought harry his eyes scanning the room from what harry could see he appeared to be in a hospital room. The memories of what happened came rushing back vernon beating him again leaving him half dead and someone showing up and saving him.

Harry pulled the covers off and looked at his arms and legs to examine the damage done by vernon but to harry's suprise only a few bruises remained the rest were either gone or healed to the point where they were barely visable. Harry lay back in shock suprised at how much he didnt know about wizarding medicine. He thought he would be in horrendous pain but since waking all he felt was a constant dull ache throughout his whole body. Before Harry could dwell on the matter for much longer the door to his room opened with a bit too much force than neccessary and to Harry's shock and suprise his godfather rushed in with Proffesor Lupin just behind him. That was when Harry realised the familiar voices of the two men that barged into his aunt and uncles home was them.

Harry stared in shock at them oblivious to the fact that Sirius was trying to talk to him. A hand touched his arm and he came back to reality to hear the concerned voice of his godfather asking him if he was alright ."Im fine" said Harry not wanting to worry Sirius any more than neccesary. Sirius looked at him is disbelief but also with a hint of understanding like he knew why Harry insisted he was fine when he clealy wasn't. Sirius looked like he wanted to know more about what happened but it looked to harry like he was stuggling to put into words any questions till eventually Sirius just said in a mumble later. Harry didn't like the idea of having to tell Sirius what happened but was glad that he had left it alone for the time being. His eyes started to droop even though it felt like he had slept for days he was still tired. Harry felt a hand running through his hair He leaned into the touch sighing at how nice and relaxing it felt letting the feeling guide him back to sleep.

Sirius sighed hand still running through Harry's hair as he slept it had been a very rough 24 hours not knowing if Harry would make it through the night had taken its toll on both him and remus. Neither had slept since bringing harry here the relief when the healer walked through the door and told them harry was gonna be ok was overwhelimg. Who knew a day that started so happy could end so tragically poor Harry could never catch a break. Sirius turned to Remus to tell him to go get some sleep when the healer from this morning walked in. Both sirius and Remus turned to him the healer asked them to follow him to talk about Harry's condition and what would need to be done to make sure he heals correctly. Sirius felt the anxiety of not knowing come back as the healer came to a stop at a door he opened it and beckoned them in shutting the door behind him. The room wasn't very big it had a couple of chairs and a coffee table in the middle that was all. The healer had a grave look on his face he went on to tell them that he hadn't seen wounds that bad in a long time and that Harry was lucky he didn't suffer any permanent damage. Sirius gritted his teeth the rage at the dursley's had come back but with one quick glance at Remus he pushed it down it wouldn't do Harry any good to get angry he will deal with the dursley's another time. A smirk appeared on Sirius's face at all the thing's he could do to them as revenge for hurting Harry which was unforgivable in his mind. Sirius put the thoughts to the back of his mind and focused back on the healer talking. The healer went on too say that Harry was severly malnorished and will need a special diet to help get his weight and strength up again he schedualed Harry to come to St Mungos once a month for a year to be weighed to make sure he is gaining weight.

Sirius sighed the healer had just left the room to go get them a diet plan made specially for Harry to get him back on track weight wise and to get the paperwork needed for discharging him. He took remus's hands in his own and smiled we can do this he thought. Sirius looked up at remus and frowned at the worried expression on his face."whats wrong love" sirius said placing a hand on remus's cheek remus pushed his hand away and looked him in the eye sirius was shocked at the anger now on remus's face. He flinched back from it slightly confused at what brought it on so fast." please tell me your not thinking of doing something stupid like going after the dursely's" remus said anger lacing his words.
Sirius looked at remus then hung his head in shame as that is exactly what he was gonna do as soon as they had gotten harry settled. "they need to pay for what they did to Harry we cant just let them get away with it" sirius said anger lacing his words. Remus took a deep breath and continued
"I know they need to pay and they will but not right now we need to focus on harry let someone else deal with them please" sirius was taken back by the desperation in remus's voice he sighed "why are u so determined to stop me they hurt Harry" sirius yelled. Remus closed his eyes and spoke "because i don't want you to end up in azkaban again Harry needs you here and so do i so please just let the ministy deal with it". Sirius huffed and gave in "fine i won't go after them" remus looked at him in disbelief. Sirius kissed the top of his head in reassurance "i promise i won't ok" remus nodded and gave sirius a smile. The healer returned and gave them all the neccessary paperwork and they left the room hand in hand it was time to take Harry home.

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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