*Last Dream of Zee*

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One year later

None of them ever suspected me.  When I called Kinn to finally hand over the duties of our group boss, I was completely sure that I had done my job perfectly.  For the last thirteen years, since my school days, I have gradually gained positions in our world and have achieved everything, there is only one thing left to do: to be forever in the history of the world.  I had only one idea for this: to kill everyone who came with me to celebrate the anniversary since the end of our series, which turned out to be even more successful than we expected.

I checked the guest list in our small, private village somewhere in the middle of nowhere in Poland.  This location favored my plans.

Khaotung and his husband First.  Annie with Perth.  Saint and Lando.  Kamil and Ewa Stoch.  Gun and Off with their daughter Alice.

Why did I want to do this?  Why did I want to kill them?

It's simple, I enjoyed killing as much as sex.  Besides, I wanted us to be remembered forever.  I was proud of how well I played my part: everyone believed me, they were all dolls on strings that I pulled.  Even P'Sky.  P'Sky was just one of six different gang bosses in our group.  No one knew my name, no one ever heard my real voice or saw me without my disguise.  I always wore a different mask, trying to confuse everyone.  I used a voice modulator in conversations with subordinates.  Only my closest associates knew me, including Win, Poy, Pond, Porsche, Pete, and Seng, among others.

Now I'm ready to leave.

When I finish my work, you will see my body among the rest.  I wonder how long it will take you to find this letter.  I hope you're having a great time because I'm having a lot of fun.

NuNew thought I loved him.  Funny!  This kid doesn't understand that there is no such thing as love.  I didn't feel anything else for him for a moment, all that was between us was lust, desire for his body.  So I will leave him for last.  My people Yoon, Yin, Ton, Porsche, Pete, Billy, Seng, Pond, Poy, Metawin, Ohm and Nanon are guarding our campsite so that no one gets here before everything is ready.  Their task will be to get our bodyguards, including Yim and Tutor, drunk.  I've decided to spare only Max, but I'll let him watch what I do with his "beloved" elf, Nat.

A thrill runs over my skin as I scroll through the handwritten notes on important events in everyone's lives.  It would be good if this was collected and published as a book, many of them have a talent for storytelling, I'll be sorry to deprive them of their lives and the world of their talents, but well, I have no choice.

Khao and First wrote about First's illness and their wedding, they didn't write anything about whether they "consummated" their marriage and that's the question I'd like to ask them. I don't really want to kill these two at all, they're okay, I like them,  but it's their fault they came here with the others. If they'd just stayed at home and kept their heads down, they'd have saved themselves. Fools!

Want to know who really killed Boun and Fluke?

You probably think it's me?

Hahaha.  Don't make me laugh!  Why would I get my hands dirty and make myself an easy target?  I sent P'Sky and his gang on this task.  They did a great job, they got caught taking all the attention away from me and Saint.

That's right, Saint.  His death will be the icing on the cake.  I hate this asshole from the start, I hated working with him, and when I had to kiss him, I wanted to wash my mouth with holy water afterwards.  I hate such weak, so helpful, agreeable people with good hearts, who so easily succumb to others.  Saint thinks he's strong, but he's not.  He is weak.  He's like a woman, and he dresses like that.  I despise him.  He thinks I forgave him.  Funny.  What should I forgive him?  That he did exactly what I expected of him?  At least it didn't disappoint me.  I don't know, maybe I'll let him suffer a little longer?

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