*42* Zee Pruk

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I sat down in front of my laptop and started typing.  I wrote about Nu, what I thought, what I felt, and what we went through.  I wrote him a letter in case something happened to me.  The death of our colleague and friend outside of work, a young man who had his whole life ahead of him and who had just been preparing to marry his partner for over three years, affected me more than I expected... Damn!  Fluke was younger than me!  Whatever I looked at reminded me of Nu.  I was staring at the clock on the wall, and what I really saw was NuNu's smiling face as he showed me different models of clocks in the store and told me to choose one.  I remember that I couldn't decide, so we ended up taking four different ones: two to my house, one to his house, and one to his dorm room.  As I looked at the glasses on the kitchen cabinet, I saw Nu helping me cook dinner or making us tea.  And as I glanced at the dining room table, I remembered him sitting there, surrounded by books and notebooks, studying for important exams.  Every inch of space in my house reminded me of him, but he wasn't there again.  This time he went to take Annie, Ohm and Perth to the airport.

And I was horrified to discover that someone had poisoned my cat: the same kitten I had found one rainy evening when I had just met Nu.  Today I went to see Mixxiw who works as a veterinarian and who informed me about the autopsy results of my favorite pet, which I found dead on my doorstep two days earlier.  This worried me even more, it seemed like someone was giving us a final warning, the only question is why didn't we get a chance to react to it?  Why did Fluke have to die?  Because none of us believed it was a suicide, least of all Annie.

— I will go with Ohm and Perth to Poland, he needs to be hidden somewhere, they will look for him as a murderer, and we all know that he did it not entirely consciously —  She informed us. — Keep an eye on P'Sky in case he's up to something again.

We nodded briefly.

Annie took the fake IDs we used from time to time.  All four: New, Ohm, Perth and Annie were characterized in such a way that it was impossible to recognize the people they were in reality.  For Ohm, this was to be the last time he played any character.  After conferring with Lewis Hamilton, Pierre Gasly and the five of us, we decided to make it look like a car accident when the three of us are safe in Poland and thus Ohm will also leave show business.  He will never be able to appear in another film or series as Ohm Thitiwat Ritprasert, but Lewis has confirmed that he has a new life in store for him, and if all goes well, he may return to acting with a different name and appearance.  Ohm Thitiwat Ritprasert was to be officially dead tomorrow.  And unofficially, we knew that he would start a new life in Las Vegas.  No one will look for him there.  Earth Katsamonnat will be waiting for him there and will help him acclimate.  None of us wanted to leave him alone in this situation.  It may seem strange that we were protecting someone who took the life of another human being after all, but although we didn't support it and were disappointed with this development, we understood it somewhat.  Ohm was one of those hit hardest by his work in the entertainment industry.  I won't mention how many times we met in our place and talked about homophobia and lack of acceptance in an environment where so much is said about the rights of LGBT people!

Within 36 hours, two people were killed, a third was missing and a fourth had to flee their own country.  It scared us.  I never thought Boun or Ohm would kill anyone, they seemed too honest, too good-natured.  Meanwhile, it turned out that one of them was a sneaky viper who killed a friend in the name of an unbridled rush to fame.  We didn't know who we could trust and who we couldn't.  Boun and Fluke died, Prem disappeared somewhere, and Ohm became a murderer who avenged his beloved.  We knew it wouldn't be long before the police connected Ohm to Boun's murder.  Now every minute counted, we were tense and waiting for news from Annie or Perth that they had time to hide.  All three ran away.  None of them took their phones, they were supposed to wait for them at the airport in Poland, and they themselves wrote down important phone numbers in notebooks that Nu had found in his locker.  I was eagerly awaiting the call from Nu to drive them to the airport, and I didn't understand why it was taking him so long.  Had they been chased already?  Or maybe they got them?

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