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—Look, I have an idea —  Mew held up his hand like a schoolboy asking for an answer.  We looked at him curiously.

— Yes?  What is it about?

— Let's not announce the full cast officially yet.  Let's not do that yet.

— What?  Why? —  Boun seemed shocked.  — Did you think it would be a flop?

— No, not at all. —  Mew grinned as if he was having fun misleading us.  I nudged Nat's side with a silent question, "What's he up to?" Nat answered me with a shrug.

— So what then? — Boun asked further.  Today, his dyed blond hair was tied up in a ponytail, as usual, so that it didn't cover his forehead.  I had to admit that I was already looking forward to working with him.  Boun was supposed to play Mick Schumacher, an important role because at the end of the series, several episodes are mostly devoted to him and his trip to Thailand, where he was supposed to get information about the hideout of one of the most powerful Shadowhunters who has gone to the dark side.  Prem will play Sun, a boy Mick meets while away, who turns out to be a Shadowhunter in charge of student safety at his university.

— Let's have this fun on Instagram for our fans.  We won't announce who got the job, but each of us will add a box with space for answers on our InstaStories and ask our fans what role they would like to see him in.  Some viewers have already read the fanfic, so at least they know the available characters.  For those who haven't read it yet, this should encourage you to read it.

— Uhm, we could do it differently —Max picked up.  — Each of us will add a box with questions, answers and ask what other actors our followers would like to see in the latest production.

_ You guys are brilliant!  — Annie clapped her hands.  We were all excited and ready to get to work right now.

— Hey, just don't forget to add the same InstaStories in English too for your international fans.

— Sounds great.  So get to work!  — Said Mew.

Gulf wasn't with him that day, he had some urgent errands to take, and yet Mew was full of energy and good humor, and it was easy to approach him and have a word with him.  I wasn't surprised.  Annie, Darcy and the rest of the team chose the artists not only based on their talent and appearance (unfortunately) or popularity, but also based on their behavior towards others (which was much more fun).

Annie thought of something else.

Only now did we find out what was in those fabric bags.  She gave us blank, clean, white sheets of paper, took crayons, pencils, erasers, felt-tip pens, and rulers out of bags, placed them on the desk, and gave us the task of drawing whatever came to mind first after reading the script we were given.

— You can work in pairs, although I would prefer it to be an independent work, because this is how you express yourself.

— Feels like school. — I wasn't sure if Boun was complaining or happy about it, but P'Zee looked overjoyed.  I like how his eyes shine like that, how he smiles from ear to ear.

—Will this also be part of the promotion of our series?  — Prem asked curiously.

—This is.  Therefore, try to draw something really nice, because later you will put it on your Instagram.

— But you should draw too. — Perth tapped her shoulder.  I don't know why, but I found it quite funny.  Especially since Annie looked him up and down in response and nodded.  It was impossible to miss the smile that appeared on her face every time she talked to our friend.

— Of course, I will also draw.

—  But there's not enough room here.  We won't be very comfortable.  Don't know if the conference room is free today?  — Zee asked.

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