chapter 14

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"I'll come for you, don't worry. I'll kidnap Jack and Jayla. You'll die, Jordan will die, everyone will die. Once I get your kids powers I will be the most powerful human in the universe"

I can still hear Harry's voice ringing in my ears. The feeling of hatred that I have for him is unbearable.

Next time I see him I'm going to rip his heart out and I will stab him so many times that his body will be torn apart. He wants to kill Parrish, he wants to torture my kids, he wants to hurt me, he will die, and I will kill him.

On other notes, my pregnancy bump was huge!! I could feel my boy and my girl.

Only a few more days!!

I was in the kitchen listening to a music, cleaning the dishes. I hear my door open and I immediately stop cleaning, I prepare my hand with fire and I slowly walk to my door.

I see Scott.

"You fucking scared me!" I say as I turn off the fire of my hand.

"sorry" he says as he closes the door behind him. I gave him a gesture to sit on my couch

"so what do you want?" I ask him with a smile

"well first when are they due?" He asks me

"normally they should come in 6 days" I say as I rub my belly with my hand

"wow..." he says "i had a question though"

"fire away"

"can you help me with something?" He asks me

"what is it?" I ask him, I was now sitting next to him

"you have to grow trees" he says

"seems simple" I say

"except it's the half of the forest" He says

"what?!" I say standing up "what happened?!"

"I don't know! People came and started cutting trees, Malia and I tried to stop them but they didn't listen" He says

Oh yeah have I forgot to mention that my brother left for the FBI school.

Anyways, I grab my bag and I follow Scott. We arrive near the forest and we hear big truck noises.

We look at each other and smirk. He goes very discreetly and pops all of their tires. Then this is where I come. I wear a cloak that hides my body figure and face and I put my hand out. I close my eyes and I feel my earth powers go in the ground.

The trees start to grow back. I see that my powers become a dark green and all of the trees are back to their original size and colour.

I leave without another word. I don't know how I did it but all of the trees grew back so quickly.

Funny how maybe a year ago I could barely control my powers and now I'm a pro at them.

I leave with Scott by my side. Just because I did it does not mean I'm not tired. I want to sleep.

He brings be home and I fall asleep in Parrish's bed. Scott gives me a quick hug then he leaves his room.

I think that was the quickest mission ever. I still don't know why it was so easy. Am I able grow trees that fast? Why?

"Isabella, Isabella. Wake uuuup" Harry's voice says.

I know why I still have him stuck in my head, I don't have the purple dust anymore! I think Scott might of made a crack on accident. I have to find a way to wake up. Now!

"Isabella, you can't run away from me now, you're stuck" He says

"No I'm not, let me go!" I say

Yeah, I was back in the white room. FUCK. I could see him he was standing across from me.

"let you go?" He says "NEVER!"

"why do you despise me so much?! Why can't you just let me go!" I ask him

"Because, I do whatever I want. You have something that will help me. You will give me so much power!" He says "just you wait until I get my hands on them"

"if you lay a finger on them you'll die!" I say

He laughs a little.

"you're not gonna do anything" he says

"Wake up!!" I hear Parrish shaking me

He seemed worried, he had a few tears dripping from his eyes.

"another one?" He asks me

I nod. He gives me a hug and puts me back to bed. He puts the purple dusk back to its' place and he lays next to me.

We fall asleep in each others arms.

end of chapter 14!!
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