Chapter 6

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He spent the rest of the day sleeping away, he couldn't be bothered to handle himself no more. He lost someone that matters a lot to him. He didn't want to accept the fact, she's gone. He can't keep sleeping so she can appear in a dream! He needs to live life, somehow without her.

He got dressed and got ready to go for a walk, the mother booked a counselling appointment for me hoping it will make it less stressful, or so I don't take the wrong approach with dealing the situation. Sometimes you wish your friends the best, and you will tell them they would live for thousands of upcoming years. But let's speak reality they may not be here within 10 years from now. But we'll stay positive, with the cruel sides of life itself!

Bryan was ready, sun was shining he would go back to school next week. He needed a break because losing someone you love is heartbreaking and causes stress. Just going to school will add more to the weight, just relaxing than going to school will still be stressful! As i've no one by my side, so I imagine Taylor sitting across the classroom as usual. Bryan walked down the sidewalk, reliving the good times laughing out loud as he remembers the good times he and Taylor had, remembered the good times where they do stupid nonsense for the other to laugh! How Taylor would act like a crazy old lady, doing stereotypical stuff of an old lady. It was outrageously funny, and weird! The people would look at her like a psychopath! But at the same time, you would not be able to keep the laughter in it is basically impossible! Taylor didn't care if she looked stupid, she would do anything to try making somebody laugh even if she has to look Insane to do so! 

You don't realise how someone has affected your life, when you see them all the time. But when they go, as life takes them away you remember the good times. The times you laughed and cried while laughing uncontrollably! You would laugh, because someones laughter sounded deformed. You would remember how they helped you when you're down and how they helped you to improve your mental state. They don't have to die for you to notice, sometimes you'll notice after not seeing or hearing from them in months!  Bryan was laughing, his lungs were having difficulty breathing cause of the uncontrollable laughter. When something brings you down, you remember the uplifting moments that made you happier. Losing someone doesn't mean you have to be 'depressed', yes you will be hella upset! But you will reflect on the good side, the uplifting moments that made you smile and laugh nonstop.

Bryan missed Taylor; he missed her truly. But he was remembering the good times, the times she showed true friendship and love. She was funny, we had good times together. Memories of joy, memories of laughter. We go through downfalls; we go through uphills. Laughter is a powerful thing, so powerful it can bring friendship closer than ever imagined. Laughter is the medicine, the medicine to sadness. You look back on your downhill moments and make jokes about it no matter how messed up it is, as after all you're laughing at yourself!

Bryan wished; he wished that Taylor was with him walking down the path. The pathway they always walked along to the park to hang at a bench by the lake where the ducks swim along. Children giving them bread, baby ducklings swimming behind the mother duck. Bryan was at the park sitting by the bench, the bench they always sat down at, watching the ducks swimming around. They did have serious moments here and there, but no one likes being serious all the time! What is the joy in life's wonders, when trapped of actual serious reality.

Bryan sat down at a bench looking around, not many people were there at the park. It was a school day after all, Taylors funeral was booked for Friday, but may have to be moved to Saturday as some issues had taken place. Bryan wished he wasn't going to a funeral for his best friend, he didn't think he would've been the one going through this, especially not at a young age! Taylor had many more years to live, she had a dream she wanted to work at a vet, or at the zoo. She loved animals and wanted to take care of them. She used to have a pet dog named Sunny, she died last year, poor dog but Taylor loved that dog as it was a child to her. Taylor was a happy person, not the type of person who will get emotional a lot. Especially around others she would hide it, she didn't want to seem weak. Bryan doesn't keep his emotions in very well, but he does try controlling them. But he wouldn't be able to hide it completely, but with Taylor you could see redness around her eyes caused by the tears, but she will blame not enough sleep or makeup errors.

Bryan sat at the bench closing his eyes, imagining the good times till he heard the park gate moving. A man that goes to the same school as he, he is in Bryan's English, and Maths class. His name was Johnny, light-skinned and tall, i'm a little taller. He had blonde hair similar to Jessica's but a bit lighter. He was smart and kind, I don't know why I never talked to him. He is smart, and kind, a fantastic person, and my, and my crush.

I always had this strange feeling every time I see him, he makes my heart melt and make a river of love, with a sweet waterfall, we go down together in love. But Bryan doesn't know if Johnny was gay, or into males, so Bryan never asked him out feeling afraid to be hated upon by his fellow classmates.

Johnny walked upwards down the park paths, "oh, hey Bryan! What have you been up too?" Johnny said kindly, with a real manly voice. A voice that isn't as annoyingly high pitched as mine. "Hey Johnny! Just sitting, sad about Taylors passing so I came here to relax I guess." Bryan said trying to not sound stupid to Johnny who he is crushing on. "Oh, I'm sorry about that, Taylor was a good person. Didn't know her personally but she seemed cool, smarter than everyone i've met!" He said as he sat down on the bench. "So, what have you been up to?" Bryan asked wonderingly. "Nothing much my parents are going insane, I just opened up as gay to them. And they act like i'm the worshiper of satan all of the sudden." Johnny said annoyedly as he hated how his family reacted to a small simple change. "Oh, that sucks, but I support you!" Bryan said happily. "Oh thanks! My friends all left me calling me a deformed freak." Johnny was truly upset about the outcome to everything, he thought he knew supportive people, yet they all betrayed him for his 'love interest'. "We should hang sometime, if you want that is" Johnny said being kind! "Sure, we should sometime!" Bryan said fast, and happily. "Well, I better get going, see you soon pal." Johnny said while exiting.

Bryan knew he wasn't straight, oddly stuff shows positively in bad times. The man he loved, is now gay. Bryan's heart melted as he falls in love! Still being upset about the passing of Taylor. "Bryan! We're gonna be late!" Bryan's mother shouted outside of the car window, as she was at the front of the park. Bryan runs towards the car, getting on in and heading to his appointment. "You look like you just saw a ghost?" The mother said sarcastically. "A ghost so beautiful in fact." Bryan said awkwardly. "Wow, my son is falling in love already." She was surprised yet didn't bother to know who. He was a teenager after all, some people start dating at the age of 16 or even 15.

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