They walked out the front door, the mother locking it after Bryan left. Bryan went in the car and put his seatbelt on, as the mother walked in the car doing the same thing. The mother reversed the car, than drove straight ahead. Bryan sat at the front passenger seat, looking out of the window looking all bored. The mother was facing forwards as you should, to look at the road ahead. "Again, i'm sorry that I walked in on you getting dressed" the mother said, hoping that her son wasn't feeling awkward about what had happened. "It's fine, not a big deal I guess." Bryan said looking outside the car's side window. "What friend are we going to?" Bryan said wonderingly, hoping it wasn't one of her boring friends. "We're going to see my friend James, it is his sons 8th birthday today" the mother said responding to Bryan with a happy sounding voice. 'Oh great, just great. Younger kids, the most annoying stages of the human mind' Bryan thought in his mind, so his mother doesn't see him hating on the situation. So Bryan just sat quietly, in boredom.

The car turned, driving upwards on the driveway. We were here, the car stopped Bryan's mother left the car, as Bryan left the car as well. Leaving the car, heading towards the front door knocking and waiting. A door had opened, and James came opening the door, welcoming me and my mother into the house. I walked inside, as my mother walked in behind me. My mother was talking to James having the lamest adult conversation possible. A young boy came walking towards Bryan, "oh this is Jack, it's his 8th birthday today" James said happily, pausing the lame adult conversation. Bryan just stood there not knowing what to do, the kid just eventually walked on by thankfully. Bryan doesn't know how to deal with younger people.

Bryan walked on by, sitting on the nearest couch he saw hoping that the day would end! But no, when your bored time is like "Ha! Suffer!" So, you sit there in boredom, what felt like 3 hours is only half an hour! James and Bryan's mother were outside talking. James's wife Jessica was outside, as 3 boring adults continue to have the most boring conversations possible. It's like when you age older, the conversations just gets longer and boring!

The day has started to darken, the barbecue was cooking. I was sitting at the table, "so Bryan how's school?" Jessica, James's wife said starting that new boring Adult to Kid conversation! "It is alright." Bryan said, the most common response hoping that conversation would end! "So, what's your favourite subject?" Jessica said, not giving up on the boring conversation battle! "Maths I guess, can be challenging but it's cool." Bryan said begging for someone to stop this chat! "DINNER IS READY!" James yelled, a great yell! A sound of joy, and happiness. Everyone walked towards the barbecue grabbing whatever they will eat. I waited till everyone was finished and then got up. Grabbing the tongs as the barbecue isn't something you want to touch; he grabbed two sausages and a meat patty. He got bread off the table, putting his sausage in the bread. Grabbing another bread placing his second sausage in. He puts tomato sauce on both of the breads and started eating away, he eats at a somewhat fast pace. When he was finished eating the sausages, he just ate the meat patty on its own, he couldn't handle more bread. "Where's the bathroom?" Bryan said at the table confusingly, needing to wash his hands. "Oh, it's down the hallway to the left." James said. As Bryan got up walking back into the house and down the hallway, it was a longer hallway compared to the one in our house, but I opened the left door and saw the bathroom sink and washed my hands. Just then I felt a feeling, an uncomfortable feeling, well a feeling you would be used to by now. Bryan needed to go to the bathroom, he walked to the door and locked it. Walking to the toilet and opening the toilet seat, then opening the seat under it. As he needed to pee, he grabbed his part out and aimed carefully and let it go. A few seconds later he was done, used toilet paper to clear the last few drops, because no one likes the wet feeling in their pants. He walked to the sink once again, washing his hands and walking down the hall.

"Thanks for coming Bryan" James said happily, as we're about to finally leave! "Bye, see you again soon." Bryan said smiling awkwardly back at James, as Bryan and his mother walked out of the house. James, Jessica and Jack waved as we walked to the car and backed carefully onto the road. Finally heading back home.

"I'm sorry if it bored you Bryan, they asked if you could come." The mother said tiredly, trying to get home so she could sleep! The employee will be away tomorrow on Sunday, so my mother kindly offered to take her shift she will get payed a bit extra as she would be working 6 days, when normally she works only 5 days a week. Tuesday, to Saturday my mother works at some boring lame shop that is opened 7 days a week. "It's fine, let's get home and rest!" Bryan said, as he was tired as well. The car continued driving forwards, as Bryan looked to his left out the window, eyes were blinking repeatedly! He had fallen asleep just to be woken 5 minutes later.

We finally got home; the mother went straight towards the shower. You may be tired, but great hygiene is still important! Bryan just wanted to sleep; he would have a shower in the morning. Bryan walked into his room, closing the door behind him. He takes off his shirt and pants and places them on his bedside table, he'll put it in the bathroom's basket in the morning but for now rest! Bryan laid down on his bed it's time to sleep! Bryan's eyes were red, with painful feelings so he slept and fell asleep pretty fast. He doesn't like blankets, so he sleeps above them. He was laying on his left side of the body as he does always, in his boxers, as he feels comfortable sleeping half-nakedly. He Sometimes sleeps fully naked, but that is only on super-hot nights mostly during the summer, but for now he lays in his boxers. He dreams, a dream. A dream so wonderful the same world has returned, happiness and colourfulness shines. The people he loved were by his side, his grandfather was still alive in this great imaginary world, his grandfather was the father of his mother. He missed his grandfather, so did Bryan's mother she has a picture of him, with grandma and her together on her bedside table. He died what sounded painfully, he was laying on the hospital bed slowly talking. He faced me holding my small hands as I was 8 at the time. "I...? Love... You... Grandson." He said as his eyes closed, machine raging, nurses running. Everyone cried, as life waved by. That very day never left my mind.

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