Start from the beginning

"Yes it's all here thank goodness humans put everything on their phones, I'm not hungry so eat mine as well, I'll go shower and pack," And Klaus nodded still eating.

Hayley packed everything and did Klaus's packing too and thought about Hope, Hayley walked to the living room and saw Klaus lying on the sofa, an arm thrown across his eyes and she went and stood next to him,

"What is it?" Knowing something was off with him.

"I ate to much, my guts are aching," He groaned out, and Hayley had to suppress a smile, Hope doing that sometimes and having to lie down, "Are you laughing at me?" He asked annoyed.

"Yes because you passed that on to our Daughter, she does it rarely but when she does usually ice cream she lies down just like you are doing now moaning and groaning, your going to have to pull yourself together we have to get on a plane, I'm ringing down for the car now and your suitcase is packed you will feel better if you move, so get up and move the suitcases to the door and I'll ask reception to send someone up for them." Hayley ordered him.

"You sound she like a nagging Mother or Wife."

"Well I am a Mother, get up Klaus," She demanded tapping her phone, and he could hear her talking to someone at reception, and before long they were in a driven car and outside the airport and Hayley saw all the photographers, "Here," She said handing him sunglasses, "Put those on the photographers are going to pounce on us and Phoebe and Joseph keep their relationship a secret from press so don't answer and questions," She told him softly and Klaus looked at her and smirked but put the sunglasses on.

"There is a steward to take you luggage and walk you to your flight, Ms Tonkin, Mr Morgan," Their driver told them as he got out to get their luggage from the boot.

"Thank you," Hayley replied opening the door and her and Klaus got out of the back seat of the car, the steward getting their suitcases from the driver and camera clicks went of at rapid speed, photographers crushing around them and Hayley waited for Klaus and the Steward said to them,

"Please follow me," And Hayley and Klaus walked behind as photographers followed them through the airport shouting questions at them and Klaus looked at Hayley who seemed to be handling this like she was born to it, he on the other hand wanted to snap all their bloody necks to get them away from him.

"This is a bloody nightmare," Klaus groaned slumping into the first class plane seat.

"I know, your doing well considering," She assured him.

"Wake me when we land," He said turning his head and closing his eyes.

"Joseph,"  Phoebe cried seeing him grey and dirty and unsteady on his feet as she watched his family get him out of the dungeon and she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him and he clung on to her.

"What is happening?"  He asked bewildered, Rebekah looked at Elijah who was watching them closely.

"Let's get out of here and we will explain it all to you," Rebekah told him kindly.

After Claire or Rebekah had explained it all to him in the car he looked at Phoebe and then back at Rebekah,

"There is really a reality were there are vampires witches and  wolves?" He asked astonished and Rebekah nodded,

"You also really have a daughter together her name is Hope and she is Seven now, it would be best if you don't tell her you are really humans from another reality, Hope has already been without her Father for Five Years and I know our Hayley would not like  her to be upset and Freya will work out what went wrong with the spell and have you back in your right bodies before you know it," Rebekah told them confidently and Rebekah looked at the driving Elijah whose face was tense and closed off and Rebekah knew well the emotions brewing below the surface of her stoic Brother and hoped she was speaking the truth.

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