Showmen and Huntresses

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We see Dimitri as he was seen in a meditating position as others looked at him.

Tech: Incredible, how long has he been in this?

Piper: Almost 8 hours.

Tech: Without even moving? That's amazing.

Ace: Do you think it's a world record Tech?

Tech: Definitely.

We see everyone coming close to Dimitri as they then start to black out as we see Ashton as he wakes up and looks around to see he was now in a plain of existence looking like outer space as he looked around as the others saw where they were.

Lexi: Uh, where are we?

Ashton: I don't know.

???: You are in my mind.

They all turned and saw Dimitri and saw he was wearing glasses and reading a book.

Ashton: Dimitri?

Astute: Yes, but no I prefer to be called Astute.

Lexi: Astute?

???: He's a part of me.

They all turned and saw Dimitri standing on a floating rock upside down as he jumped down to the group.

Dimitri: As he had said you are all inside my mind, or at least a place I created when meditating.

Ashton: Hang on a minute, if you're Dimitri...

Lexi: Then who's that? (Points at Astute)

Dimitri: He is me, well technically he is one of my personality aspects.

Duck: There's more than one?

Dimitri: Yes, while one of them is a rather nasty one, I find him so far removed of myself he's practically a different person. (Sees Bitter at a distance) And speaking of, Bitter, would you like to come and see my friends?

Bitter: (From a distance) FUCK OFF, I'M BUSY!!!

Dimitri: I suppose that was to be expected.

Ashton: He's a charming fellow isn't he?

Duck: So how do we get out of here?

Dimitri: Simple.

He then did a snap as we see Dimitri and the others wake up as they looked around.

Ashton: That was nuts.

Dimitri: Well let's go out and see what we need.

We later see everyone at town as they were walking down the streets as Ashton heard gunfire.

Ashton: Sounds like gunfire, finally! Something to do!

We see him run off as Dimitri followed him as he changed to his Masked Marvel suit as we see them arrive to a store and saw armed thugs were there as they were seen firing as Dimitri looked at Ashton and saw them as we see Ashton used his magic as he created a mist around the thugs as we see Dimitri coming out of the mist and going in taking out each thug as we see most of them were down.

Ashton: Nice one.

Then tires screeching were heard as they saw two thugs in a car with bags of money as they started to drive away.

Dimitri: I got this.

We see Dimitri hold a disk and threw it as it unfolds and becomes a hoverboard as Dimitri got on it and was seen hovering after the car as Dimitri was seen holding some small balls and threw them under the car as we see spikes come out of them and popped the tires of the car which caused it to go out of control as it then crashes into a lamppost as Dimitri was seen coming as he picks up his hoverboard and Ashton was seen coming as he saw Dimitri tying up the thugs.

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